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The King James Nation of Islam -1/01/12

One Nation One God One Wife – 1/08/12


  1. Craig Saeed Says:

    Is there a real temple in Atlanta, GA?

  2. noitemple15 Says:

    As Salaam Alaikum

    We believe our Temple to be a “real Temple” in Atlanta. We are at:

    633 DILL AVE. SW
    ATLANTA, GA. 30310

    If you believe our Temple is not a “real Temple,” I don’t know what to tell you.

    As Salaam Alaikum

  3. Chris x Says:

    Bro please!!!! It’s usually the disgruntled who leave and later speak out against MLF. Truth be told, instead of criticizing the minister in every lecture bro, y’all should find solutions on problems that plague our communities.

    • noitemple15 Says:

      As Salaam Alaikum

      You are so misguided and misinformed it’s pathetic. When I accepted Islam and joined Farrakhan’s Organization, did that make me a disgruntled former Church member speaking against The Church and the preachers? No. I left the church because I was exposed to a truth not taught by the Church because it wasn’t given to the Church by the father of the Church to teach the members of the Church. That truth condemns the Church as a house of falsehood and not of truth.

      It is the same with Farrakhan and his Church. I left it because I was exposed to a truth not taught in his Church. It condemns his Church as a house of falsehood and not of truth. That truth is the plain, old, unupdated teaching of The Messenger. Period. Farrakhan is condemned for representing HIS teaching as The Messenger’s. He should call his teaching his and his group other than N.O.I. N.O.I. Is Elijah Muhammad’s teaching ONLY. Any updates, modifications, etc. Are not to be accepted as his teaching. He said leave his teaching as it is!
      Sent from my BlackBerry® on the MetroPCS Network

  4. lee otuwaye Says:

    I it difficult to believe so late in the resurrection, this degree of spiritual blindness! You think Almighty God Allah is powerless to defend what he has established, that he will allow usurpers to distort his word and mission, and further mislead the dead ? PRAY EARNESTLY so you can attune to the light of God brilliantly shining forth in you brother Farrakhan, so you do not find yourself opposing the manifest will of God.

  5. Bro. Percy Islam Muhammad Says:

    There are things that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad said of HIS Minister That Clearly Proves Who Min. Farrakhan IS to Him. I’m not here to debate anyone or name call or argue. I just know that at this time To think better is to know better. Question??? With all that has been said that IS clearly a mis-understanding about Min. Farrakhan and His Students I can see Whos Who and whats what. Those who don’t see. won’t see. they’ll continue to talk about things and people that they mis-understand because of the lack of proper guidence. As Salaam alaikum

    • Bro. Khallid Allah Says:

      “Bro. Percy Islam Muhammad Says:
      July 23, 2012 at 2:01 am | Reply
      There are things that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad said of HIS Minister That Clearly Proves Who Min. Farrakhan IS to Him. I’m not here to debate anyone or name call or argue. I just know that at this time To think better is to know better. Question??? With all that has been said that IS clearly a mis-understanding about Min. Farrakhan and His Students I can see Whos Who and whats what. Those who don’t see. won’t see. they’ll continue to talk about things and people that they mis-understand because of the lack of proper guidence. As Salaam alaikum”. 

          In the name of Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praise is forever due; We will forever thank Allah, for raising up in our Midst…a divine Leader, Teacher, and Guide; The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

      As-Salaam-Aliakum Beloved,
           “History is best qualified to reward all research.” So, as you have correctly stated; that the Honorable Eijah Muhammad, gave Min. Farrakhan, many well earned accolades’, for that time: Pbta. If we are to ‘Justly’ use the bar of ‘Truth’, which you have raised, as proof of your stated point: then let us continue utilizing your system of proof. At one time, the Messenger also stated, that, “Malcom X. was “his” hardest working minister”; at that time… In addition, the Messenger, also said that, “His son Wallace was a blessing, as one of “his” ministers of Islam.” At that time… Pbta. With that said, if we study the histories of these men, and their ‘outcomes’; we will/can learn’ as stated by the Honorable Eijah Muhammad; “That only Allah knows the Heart.” Pbta.  I love you black brothers’, and I pray that we all continue to discipline ourselves in self study, and pray to Master Fard Muhammad, to guide us to the correct path. As a final point, if possible: please “let all contention cease(HQ)” and let us try to join together, on what unites us, instead of constantly seperating on what divides us! As-Salaam-Aliakum

      With Humble Submission,
      Bro. Khallid Allah


  6. Nuri Says:

    Can you send me any informationso I can reclaim my own and register

    • Bro. Khallid Allah Says:

      “Bro. Percy Islam Muhammad Says:
      July 23, 2012 at 2:01 am | Reply
      There are things that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad said of HIS Minister That Clearly Proves Who Min. Farrakhan IS to Him. I’m not here to debate anyone or name call or argue. I just know that at this time To think better is to know better. Question??? With all that has been said that IS clearly a mis-understanding about Min. Farrakhan and His Students I can see Whos Who and whats what. Those who don’t see. won’t see. they’ll continue to talk about things and people that they mis-understand because of the lack of proper guidence. As Salaam alaikum”. 

          In the name of Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praise is forever due; We will forever thank Allah, for raising up in our Midst…a divine Leader, Teacher, and Guide; The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

      As-Salaam-Aliakum Beloved,
           “History is best qualified to reward all research.” So, as you have correctly stated; that the Honorable Eijah Muhammad, gave Min. Farrakhan, many well earned accolades’, for that time: Pbta. If we are to ‘Justly’ use the bar of ‘Truth’, which you have raised, as proof of your stated point: then let us continue utilizing your system of proof. At one time, the Messenger also stated, that, “Malcom X. was “his” hardest working minister”; at that time… In addition, the Messenger, also said that, “His son Wallace was a blessing, as one of “his” ministers of Islam.” At that time… Pbta. With that said, if we study the histories of these men, and their ‘outcomes’; we will/can learn’ as stated by the Honorable Eijah Muhammad; “That only Allah knows the Heart.” Pbta.  I love you black brothers’, and I pray that we all continue to discipline ourselves in self study, and pray to Master Fard Muhammad, to guide us to the correct path. As a final point, if possible: please “let all contention cease(HQ)” and let us try to join together, on what unites us, instead of constantly seperating on what divides us! As-Salaam-Aliakum
      With Humble Submission,
      Bro. Khallid Allah


  7. Bro.Percy Islam Muhammad Says:

    We as Muslims can go back and forth with what The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said and read His many words, Let me say this…..We cannot raise the dead unless We are backed by Allah. Okay how do you know when you are backed by Allah, your Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit Works and Language Will bear Witness to that. Remember it is what we say out of our mouths that the people should lay hold to it is our works that Show and Prove who and What We are. Now I know that statement leaves room for interpratation, be that as it may. Allah Is God The Hon. Elijah Muhammad Is His Messenger,Messiah and Exalted Christ and The Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan Is Their Prime Example.

    • Bro.Percy Islam Muhammad Says:

      Correction on What I said * It is not what We say out of mouths that the people should lay hold to it is our work that show and prove who and what we say we are.

  8. Bro.Percy Islam Muhammad Says:

    To Bro Khallid Allah, I understand what The Hon.Elijah Muhammad said of the Good works of Malcom and Wallace May Allah be pleased with them. In truth they both did a great work although later in their lives they began to see and think differantly now their latter ways and actions are pregnant with Wisdom if We can see past the Negatives With the Help of Allah and The Good of Islam. The Truth of the Matter Is that too many of Us Suffer from an immature understand of what
    The Hon.Elijah Muhammad taught and Is Teaching Us at Present. There is Wisdom in How we Honestly express the Teachings from the Heart,there IS Growth in That….Not Just Quoting what was said or what is said over and over again from the books or what have you….Question? If The Average Man reads Message to The Blackman does that garuntee that The Average Man got the Message? This just a Question tp ponder over. As Salaam alaikum.

    • brokhallidallah Says:

      In the name of Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praise is forever due; We will forever thank Allah, for raising up in our Midst…a divine Leader, Teacher, and Guide; The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

      “The righteous man has no fear. He can disregard all the forces of evil that are brought against him. But he must learn humility: that is his defence. He will bow down in adoration to Allah. He must have the will to bring himself closer to Allah. For Allah is always close to him, – closer to him than his life blood in the jugular vein. (50:16). Man’s humility and adoration remove him from being an insolent rebel on the one hand and, on the other, prepare his will to realise his nearness to Allah.”

      Holy Quran~ Surah 96: Footnote #6216

      “1Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 2And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: 4But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. 6And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him. 7Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. 8And the foolish said to the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. 9But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go you rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. 10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. 11Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12But he answered and said, Truly I say to you, I
      know you not.”

      Bible King James Version~ Chapter 25: Verses 1-12

      As-Salaam-Alaikum Beloved,

      “The Hon. Elijah Muhammad Is His Messenger,Messiah and Exalted Christ”

      • Point #12: “What the Muslims Believes”
      “WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, July 4, 1930; the long-awaited “Messiah” of the Christians and the “Mahdi” of the Muslims.”

      “The Truth of the Matter Is that too many of Us Suffer from an immature understand of what The Hon.Elijah Muhammad taught and Is Teaching Us at Present.”

      • The Hon. Elijah Muhammad says: “Teach it as I teach, and they will never be able to prove you wrong.”
      • We can’t go and add our own “GOD Science” to it.

      “If The Average Man reads Message to The Blackman does that guarantee that The Average Man got the Message?”

      • The Hon. Elijah Muhammad teaches, “That HE is the only one charged by Allah, with getting the Message to the people.” Not to make us accept/believe it.
      • The Hon. Elijah Muhammad teaches, “That only Allah has the power to make a person believe.”

      “ Malcom and Wallace May Allah be pleased with them. In truth they both did a great work although later in their lives they began to see and think differently now their latter ways and actions are pregnant with Wisdom if We can see past the Negatives With the Help of Allah and The Good of Islam.”

      • Negative(Def): expressing or containing negation or denial

      • The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught, “That Malcom, died a Wicked Hypocrite!” Not a man who marginally, had differences with his teachings.
      • Both Malcom, Wallace, and others; whose “Negatives” which were contrary to the Messengers teachings, are not as simple to look past; because those “Negatives” caused/continue to turn men from Allah’s way.

      “There is Wisdom in How we Honestly express the Teachings from the Heart,there IS Growth in That….Not Just Quoting what was said or what is said over and over again from the books or what have you….”

      • The Hon. Elijah Muhammad says: “Teach it as I teach, and they will never be able to prove you wrong.”
      • By quoting the Messenger’s teachings word for word, then I am sure not to be in error; As for one, having an “immature understanding” and or inability to interpret the Messenger’s true meaning of his teachings….I will concede that fact, PBTA! Fortunately, for us all, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, has already explained/interpreted his teachings for us; we just have to pray to Allah; that we continue to keep our ‘lamps’ full. Because, I’ll be the first to admit, that I have no wisdom, knowledge, or understanding of myself! In fact, I’m but a fool; without Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, and His Messenger, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad… However, when Allah stands in front of this zero, then I become “10 fold!”PBTA

      “We cannot raise the dead unless We are backed by Allah.”

      • The Hon. Elijah Muhammad teaches us in The Quran (Surah 96; Igra:Read),
      • “(6)Nay, but man doth Transgress all bounds,*[6208];
      • *[6208]: “All our knowledge and capacities come as gifts from Allah, But man, in his inordinate vanity and insolence, mistakes Allah’s gifts for his own achievements. The gifts may be strength or beauty, wealth, position, or power, or the more subtle gifts of knowledge or talents in individuals-…”

      • “(7)In that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient.”*[6209];

      • *[6209]: “Man is not self-sufficient, either as an individual, or in his collective capacity. If he arrogates Allah’s gifts to himself, he is reminded-Backwards, of his lowly physical origin (from a drop of animal matter). And forwards, of his responsibility and final return to Allah.

      “Okay how do you know when you are backed by Allah..”

      • “(11)Seest thou if He is on (the road of) Guidance?”*[6211];

      • *[6211]: “Man’s insolence leads to two results: (1) self-destruction through self-misleading; (2) a false example or false guidance to others. The righteous man must therefore test human example or human guidance by the question, “Is there Allah’s guidance behind it?” And visible light would be thrown on it by the question, “Does it lead to righteousness?” A flouting of Allah and Allah’s truth answers the first question in the negative, and conduct which turns back from the eternal principles of Right answers the second.”

      Bro. Percy Islam Muhammad, as from your writings, I can see that Allah, and His Messenger, has blessed you with a modicum of wisdom, and it shines through the words that you speak, PBTA! Truth be told, I have never interjected myself into a public forum, and after these words run out, I never will again; however, when I read your post, I was immediately inspired to respond. I was truly impressed by your level of respect and civility, that you afforded to the brother; Minister Eric Muhammad. With that said, I would like to leave everyone within eye view of this post, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, put a bounty of “$10,000 and his life, If you can prove even ONE WORD, that he teaches as untrue.”; So, let’s now challenge others, who now offer themselves as his “Replacement/Fulfiller” etc… In order to see if they can/will, stand by such a worthy and honorable bounty! PBTA


      Your Brother…..Bro. Khallid Allah

      • Percy Islam Muhammad Says:

        I lost my words that I posted, I will try to rewrite them as much as I can remember…. To Bro. Khallid question??? By others who do you mean? History shows us that what happend in 1975 shook up alot if not most of those who believed back then…..That Is something that is written in scripture Now in order for one to see that We have to recognize The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad for Who He presently IS. If We Believe That The Mahdi Is Present Then The Massiah Is Also with Him… The Mon Hon. Elijah Muhammad said many things of Himself in the latter Times he was to be with us and I believe it was meant for us to study or prepare us for something that history proves true that some did not see , some did many didn’t. He said ” I am The Muhammad of The Holy Qur’an and The Elijah of The Bible. Some even say that he said He was The Jesus Of The Bible. In truth I’ve seen all of this in The work and study of The Hon. Elijah Muhammad and not just from heresy as some may consider to believe. I have to say that I’ve listened to Bro. Eric and As a Student of Min. Farrakhan I don’t like what he says in fact about it I find it quite offensive But as a Student I don’t get Emotional as a student I go study…. To prove True the world wide assignment of Min. Farrakhan given to Him By The Hon. Elijah Muhammad, now having said that there are those who mock “Wisdom” that is a dangerous game to play…… There is more that I wanted to say but it slips my mind at this time. So I’ll leave it here for now As salaam alaikum!!!

  9. L.T. Says:

    Peace and Blessings – I follow The Most Honorable Elijah’s Islam as taught by my Minister, Louis Farrakhan. You don’t have to like me or him really it’s OK. Brother if you want to teach Elijah Muhammad to the people, fine, then you go right ahead and teach Elijah Muhammad to the people. You will be rewarded by Allah for what ever good you do, no one can stop your Blessings from Allah. Moreover; I will be rewarded for the good I do, and Minister Farrakhan and Elijah Muhammad will be rewarded by Allah for what ever good they do. There is more than enough death and destruction in your neighborhood, city, state, country, in the world for all of us and then some to spread this word (each one teach one). You don’t have to talk down about No One just talk Elijah Muhammad Up. You don’t have to put Farrakhan Down. But lift Allah Up. Farrakhan is only a man like you both of you are far from perfect! And the few Muslims striving to follow Farrakhan and change for the better, have come out of a Hellish condition living in America and are not Perfect yet either. Minister Eric Muhammad if he is really in Love with what Elijah Loved (Black People) he will see the wisdom in my words. Allah desired to put the Blackman on top. So go and do the work and be the cream of the planet Earth that you are. The best of Civilized People. We need all hands on deck to win this war against this Enemy. He has agents all around everywhere at all times seeking to devour the righteous servants of Allah. ASA

  10. Krim El Says:

    Islam Dear Brother’s,

    Is there a temple in Columbus, GA not under Farrakhan?

    Peace and Love
    Bro. Krim Hashem El

  11. al hunter Says:

    as a graftedman I now understandwho god is and the devil I cant change who I am but I can live the best life I can in ALLAH’S eyes Elijah says he will return so that isn fine with me I shall be waiting ,you’ll see

  12. Mordecai_7 Says:


    Minister Louis Farrakhan ran a near 60 part series in the Final Call News entitled “The Time And What Must Be Done.” At no point during this series did he (Minst Farrakhan) tell the Original Black Nation of the impending doom of America and what must be done so that you, the so-called Negro, do not become victims of the divine wrath of Allah which is intended for the Devil (White race) and those who cling to him (the Devil).

    In a Muhammad Speaks article entitled: Reparations For Slavery, Americas Destruction Is At Hand, Brother Kamal Akram stated the following:

    The Honorable Silis Muhammad’s work is divine. To explain what I mean, let me introduce you to the name Joshua. It means “saviour.”

    As you may know, Joshua of the Bible physically led the Children of Israel (Black people) out of Egypt (America) before destructive plagues hit.

    But the Honorable Silis Muhammad is not the only one fulfilling divine prophecy, as he has previously revealed that:

    The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the Moses who spoke face to face with Almighty Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad (to whom all honor and praise is forever due). Note: A Moses of the Bible did not exist 4000 years ago. The prophetic character of Moses would be the only prophet in scripture to speak with God face to face in 1930.

    The roles of John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary were fulfilled by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad on page 127 of Message to the Blackman in America even said that he was the woman in Revelations 12:1 giving birth to a Nation.

    The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is Aaron of the scriptures (Bible and Holy Qu’ran) and the spokesperson of prophetic Moses (the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad).

    Genesis Chapter 15, 12-14 states, “As the sun was setting, Abraham fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him. Then the Lord said to him. Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated for 400 years. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterwards they will come out with great possessions.” (Scofield Study Bible)

    This without a doubt describes Black people in America. We are the Children of Israel, the Chosen of God, Allah.
    Four hundred years of slavery occurred.

    Allah, Master Fard Muhammad found us, the Lost Sheep, in our sojourn from Africa in servitude to America.
    The judgment of America occurred.

    Almighty God (Isaiah 9:6) raised up Moses in the person of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad to teach us for 40+ years. Joshua appeared in the person of the Honorable Silis Muhammad.

    The Honorable Elijah Muhammad predicted “plagues” would take place in America before the Exodus as a sign to you and me. He knew what would happen, because he was taught day and night by Almighty God face-to-face for 3 1/2 years. Anyone can see evidence of these events in scripture.

    The only part of prophecy left to unfold is America’s punishment, which is now occurring.

    America shows signs of collapse everyday with the Great Recession that began in 2008. Her morals as a society continue to decline. Children kill children in violence within her inner cities. And her incurable debt– now approximately $17 trillion–will soon cause hyper-inflation.

    It will worsen after Joshua, the Honorable Silis Muhammad, leads Afrodescendants out of America. The scriptures do predict that we will leave with reparations. Therefore, the Honorable Silis Muhammad in his divine guidance is once again correct in having demanded reparations, for this will be the “great substance” with which we will leave America.

    After our Exodus, plague after plague will strike America for an entire year…day and night. Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, brush fires in Colorado and California, and killer tornados in the south and midwest are only dress rehearsals for what will happen in America after the Chosen of God (those who have joined with the Lamb of God, the Honorable Silis Muhammad) leave America.

    Remember! After the Children left the land of bondage, the plagues hit Egypt. Of course, this never happened in history, but is predicted to happen right here in America because this is the land of bondage and America is the government that enslaved us.

    Babylon, too, is America in your Bible. And all of Babylon’s plagues came in one day, which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught means one year.

    America will pay for the 310 years of free labor that she stole, for the murdering and lynching of innocent brothers and sisters, for raping sisters and brothers, for kidnapping millions from Africa to be forced in to servitude slavery, and for the over 400+ years of injustice.

    After the Exodus, you will see earthquakes in America never seen since man has been on the planet, more storms, floods, and tornados, the total collapse of the U.S. dollar, another civil war, and a race war.

    The Bible tells of Babylon (America) turning into a lake of fire. And according to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad , America will burn for approximately the same length of time that we were enslaved some 400 years.

    The Honorable Silis Muhammad loves you and wants you to leave so that you can experience heaven. During his Saviour’s Day 2010 address, he said “I would not tarry in American past 2015.”

    The Honorable Silis Muhammad has also set up the government with which the Children of Israel were predicted to leave the land of bondage. The Lost-Found Nation of Islam under Joshua’s direction has a President, a Vice President, a presidential cabinet, a Judiciary and a Congress with a House of Representatives and a Senate. That is the meaning of the phrase “Nation of Islam”.

    And according to scripture, it will last forever. So if 95% of the prophecy has already occurred, what would make anyone think that the last 5% won’t take place? Blackman, woman and child, save yourself!

    Get a passport ASAP and get your mind ready to Exodus out of America. There is no future for Black People, Afrodescendants, in America.

    2. Flock to the nearest mosque under the leadership of the Honorable Silis Muhammad to receive further information on what to do and where to go. Bring your skills and education so that we can continue building a Nation of righteousness for ourselves upon exiting America.

    You want to be on the right side of the prophecy and history. Make yourself ready to leave America before it is too late.
    People have always said that we are in the “last days.” Yes, the last days of America are here.

    Join the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, the government for Afrodescendants that was predicted to be your only salvation in the last days of America. Babylon the Great is Fallen!

    Minister Farrakhan DID NOT MAKE ANY OF YOU AWARE OF THIS VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Brother Akram went on to say:

    There are no such identities as African-American, Afro-Cuban, Afro-Colombian, Afro-Brazilian or similar anymore.

    The United Nations recognized descendants of the TransAtlantic Slave Trade as Afrodescendants in 2003. Thanks to Mr. Silis Muhammad, Chief Executive Officer of All for Reparations & Emancipation and the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, we’ve received recognition internationally. For the first time in over 400 years, we have named ourselves.

    That means that we can now move forward with receiving reparations for 400 years of back-breaking labor performed by our foreparents. America and Europe did enrich themselves from the labor of Black slaves kidnapped from Africa. And since these recipients of free labor don’t want to pay reparations willingly, the European world and America are in trouble today.

    It’s common knowledge that the American government is the most hated government on the planet, and Israel is right behind them. And at the time of this writing, America is over $14 trillion in debt, on the brink of defaulting. Europe, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Britain are also having financial problems….with debt soaring into the billions. America has seen her best days. The lifestyle that you once knew will never be the same.

    Since uncontrollable debt equals hyperinflation, bringing about a gross devaluation of the currency, a loaf of bread could one day cost you $200. Double digit unemployment will become a way of life. The cost to borrow money will be 5 to 6
    times higher.

    We’ve already witnessed the destruction of America’s middle class. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. IT’S GOING TO GET A LOT WORSE!!!

    Since the Great Recession began in 2008, the rich have quietly transferred their wealth out of America. Economically, politically, morally and educationally, America has fallen and is finished.

    Afrodescendants, Black Americans were told of the fall of America over 50 years ago by the Last Messenger of God Himself, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him) (See “A Message to the Blackman in America” and “The Fall America”). And every single prediction made about America’s fall has come true or is coming true. America is past the point of repair.

    As a result, if you expect to have a future for yourself, family and children, make plans to leave America.
    Numerous scriptural stories exist that warn people to leave a land before coming plagues and destruction struck. It’s the same today. Elijah Muhammad predicted the fall of America, because she refused to give justice to her once slave, now known as Afrodescendants.

    Although Afrodescendants are over 250 million strong, America, the scriptural beast, leads the campaign to oppose the payment of reparations.

    Since this is so, tornadoes, heat waves, snow, rain storms, floods and hurricanes will worsen. Earthquakes will occur in locations within America where they haven’t before.

    If you are conscious enough to see what’s happening and want to save yourself and family, here are your options:

    1) Attend Lost-Found Nation of Islam meetings. Just as the name implies, a Nation and government has been formed for Afrodescendants. This government has a President, a Congress and a Judiciary, along with an Afrodescendant Constitution. As the American government falls, you have the opportunity to join your own Nation that was predicted for you over 15,000 years ago. This is your best option. You’ll interact with likeminded others–making it easier for us to create an economy of our own.

    2) Make plans to move to a Caribbean island or another country outside of America. You’ll need to get a passport ASAP. Your plans might also include learning another language, getting a second degree or learning a new skill to make yourself more marketable. Just make sure you do your due diligence on the economy, currency and opportunities in your chosen country to successfully make your exodus.

    3) Stay in America and hope that white politicians/people will fix everything and eventually treat you as their equal. This is actually the worst choice. Times may become so dire in America that whites could possibly hunt Blacks for food, as portrayed in the movies, “The Road” and the “Book of Eli”. Plagues predicted to hit America will destroy its economy and there will be famine, starvation and mass homelessness. Just like Jews were scapegoats in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s, Black people, gays, the elderly and other “outcasts” will be made scapegoats in the near future (Listen to the latest language used by the Tea Party). There is no future for anyone in America, especially Afrodescendants.
    The Honorable Silis Muhammad stated in his 2010 Saviors Day Address, “I would not tarry in America past 5 years.” We are now half way through 2011, which means that you have approximately 3 1/2 years to make exodus out of America.

    After the death of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1975, the Children of Israel were to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. 1975 + 40 years is 2015. Eastern religious scholars have concluded that the judgment of the wicked (And no one has been more wicked than the white world who have raped Africa of her resources, killed 25 million Native Americans, enslaved the ancestors of Afrodescendants for 400 years without a payday, which also included lynchings, rapes of Afrodescendant women, men and children, and 146 years of discrimination after slavery), would begin as early as 1,380 years after Prophet Muhammad of Arabia’s death in 632 A.D. (peace be upon him). Add 1,380 years to 632 and you get 2012.

    America is finished. Make plans to be a part of a new government, move to another country or take your chances in the good old U.S. of A.

    P.S. Please share this notice with as many Afrodescendants as you see fit.

    For further information contact
    Commissioner Kamal Akram
    Muhammad’s Mosque
    3040 Campbellton Rd., S.W.
    Atlanta, Georgia 30311

    The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (Peace Be Upon Him) told us of the impending destruction of America. It has been no different to us than it was to the people of ancient Babylon or those of Sodom & Gomorah. No different than it was to the people in the time of Noah who thought that the end would never come, because they were not aware of THE TIME IN WHICH THEY LIVED. They did not have knowledge of THE TIME. The following is what The Last & Greatest Messenger of Allah had to say on the issue of TIME.

    Our Saviour Has Arrived
    By Elijah Muhammad, (1974)

    Chapter 3
    Knowledge of Time

    1 If only the American so-called Negroes had knowledge of the
    time in which we now live, they would accept Islam at once; for it is
    just the acceptance of Islam which will bring the so-called Negroes
    the things they desire; good homes, money, and friendship in all
    walks of life. This is the time that they should enjoy such heaven, the Time of God. They are really chosen by God to be His people, and not the Jews nor white Christians. It is you, the American so-called Negro, but it is just you who are blind, deaf, and dumb to the
    knowledge of the Time of your salvation and the judgment and death of your enemies.

    2 Remember the story of Moses and his people. Jehovah said to
    Moses: “I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in
    Egypt, and I have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows” (Ex. 3:7). Jehovah had seen and heard the
    afflicitions and cries of His people while His people were yet dumb
    to the knowledge of Him, for they called not on Him. They
    worshipped the gods of Pharaoh and his people and not Jehovah Who was the God of their fathers. Jehovah had not represented Himself as being the God of Pharaoh and his people. It was to the slaves of Pharaoh and the slaves’ fathers that Jehovah, their God, was to show mercy and deliverance.

    3 Pharaoh was against Jehovah and His religion and the people of
    Jehovah who were his slaves. So it is and Allah’s true religion of
    Islam. But it is time that the mentally dead Negroes, who are afflicted daily by the evil hand of white America, should be delivered and given freedom, justice, and equality and a land that they can call their own. Day and night their cries go up into the ear of Allah, the God of our people (the Muslims).

    4 We cannot hope for justice from the devils when by nature there
    is none in them. All the day long the Negroes are mistreated. If Allah and I, His servant, will not stand up for them, who shall stand up for them? You, by far, are unable to do so; for you know not God. The devils have you afraid and worshipping that which you know not. Fear not and come follow me and God will love you and will set you in heaven at once while you live.

    5 Jehovah told Moses to go first to the elders of Israel and say to
    them: “The Lord your God (not Pharaoh’s) the God of your fathers,
    He has appeared unto me saying, “I have surely visited you and have seen that which is done unto you in Egypt (America)” (Ex. 3:16). But the elders would not even meet with Moses, only by way of disputation.

    Chapter 5

    1 If you who disbelieve in the Truth would only consider the time
    in which we now live, you would bear witness that it is the very
    truth from your God that I am teaching. Just when should we expect Truth to be triumphant? The answer is. after the removal of

    2 The Time referred to in this book is the time of the present world
    as Allah (God) has revealed it. This time covers a period of six
    thousand years. It began from the day that the first white person was made which was in the year nine thousand of our calendar history.

    3 This date is taken from the beginning of the present cycle of
    world history writings by 24 black scientists of which only 23
    actually do the writing, and the 24th one acts as judge of the
    writings of the other 23. This takes place once every 25 thousand
    years. In this history is written everything that will come to pass for
    the next 25 thousand years.

    4 The original scriptures of the Bible and Holy Qur’an were taken
    from it and revealed by word of mouth and inspiration to prophets.
    We are now in the 16th thousand year of this cycle and have nine
    thousand, nine hundred and fifty six years to be finished before the
    next cycle. But we are not concerned with that which the present
    time holds for us. A thorough knowledge of the time and changes to
    be made is the important factor for you and me.

    5 The time given to the white race (Yakub’s grafted people) to rule
    the world is between the ninth and fifteenth thousandth year of our
    cycle of 25 thousand years which is six thousand years.

    6 This time expired in 1914. A few years of grace have been given
    to complete the resurrection of the Black man, and especially the socalled Negroes whom Allah has chosen for the change (a new nation and world). They (so-called Negroes) have been made so completely mentally dead by the enemy (white race) that the extra time is allowed.

    7 The time (six thousand years) ruled by the white race has been
    the worst of our known history; a time of complete trouble-making,
    war, bloodshed, and death of both the righteous and the wicked as
    never before. Therefore, the black nation and our God, Who is the
    Originator of the universe, have decided to remove the
    troublemakers from our planet Earth, as there is no way of the black nations getting along in peace with this wicked, grafted race known as the white race. They have flooded the nations with deceit and divisions.

    8 The time now has arrived for plain truth, wherein you shudder
    and call the truth a lie and call falsehood the truth. This is due to
    your being reared and taught by the deceiver! But your disbelief in
    the truth will not hinder its progress, for it is the Time of Truth and
    this Truth is in our favor.

    9 The white race progressed under falsehood for the past four
    thousand years because it was given to them. Now, that time has
    expired and the time of truth and righteousness again will rule. The
    interval of six thousand years of evil and falsehood makes the
    average person think that the original black nation was never
    anything worthwhile. Consider the time!

    10 Most surely man is in loss except those who believe and do
    good and enjoin on each other truth (Holy Qur’an 103:1-3). The time of the white race is divided into three periods of two thousand years each. The first two thousand years was the period between Yakub, the father and grafter of the white race, to the birth of Musa (Moses) to the birth of Isa (Jesus), the last Great Prophet to the white race. The third two thousand year period is from the birth of Isa (Jesus) to the coming of Allah, often referred to by the Christians as. “The coming of God, the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of Man”, or the “second coming of Jesus.” In Islam, it is referred to as the “Coming of the Great Madhi, the coming of Allah” to the birth of Muhammad.

    Whatever you think of this, or don’t think of this it will not change what is coming. It is very near on the horizon.

    In the book of Revelations at 18:4 we are given the warning:

    And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not
    partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

    The Honorable Silis Muhammad loves you and wants you to leave so that you can experience heaven. During his Saviour’s Day 2010 address, he said “I would not tarry in American past 2015.”


  13. Mordecai_7 Says:



    Dear Reader:
    Take a close look at the photo on the left. You see Minister Louis Farrakhan in that photo wearing a Fez like that of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (Peace Be Upon Him), The Last & Greatest Messenger of Allah.

    What is the True significance of this Fez ??? What does it REALLY mean ???

    First: In all of the books and writings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (PBUH), he never identified himself as Jesus. The most compelling description he gave of himself was that of the woman in the 12th chapter of Revelations , who wore a crown of 12-stars. The fez of 12-stars worn by The Last & Greatest Messenger of Allah in his lifetime was symbolic of this crown.

    Second: In the book Our Savior Has Arrived, p. 34, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “This is Mary.” He was referring to himself. Why was he referring to himself??? Because during his lifetime he taught us that he was the LAST APOSTLE OF GOD. In The book Message To The Blackman, In America, p. 12, THEM (PBUH) tells us that Mary was the LAST APOSTLE OF GOD. He even gave us proof that he was Mary when he pointed out that the Woman in Revelations 12:2 wore a CROWN OF 12 STARS UPON HER HEAD. The fez of 12-stars that The Hon. Elijah Muhammad (PBUH) wore upon his head during his lifetime was SYMBOLIC of the CROWN UPON HER HEAD,or that MARY who gave birth to that MUHAMMAD described in How To Eat To Live, Book II. Compare Jeremiah 30:6, which tells of “the woman in travail, pained to be delivered” (of her child).

    Third: In the book How To Eat To Live, II The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (PBUH) told us somewhere between p.46-48 that; “No person of the evil world knew the birth of MUHAMMAD but the parents Joseph & Mary.” This is why Minister Farrakhan started calling himself Louis Farrakhan-Muhammad for a time and then discontinued when he started saying that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is the Exalted Christ.

    This shows us that the Fez of 12-Stars worn by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (PBUH) during his life time was an indicator of his scriptural and spiritual identity as Mary of the Book. The fact that Minister Farrakhan has taken it upon himself to also wear that Fez is solid proof that he (Minister Farrakhan) IS AN IMPOSTOR. Farrakhan IS NOT MARY OF THE BOOK.

    Do you see the Truth of this ??? Can you accept the Truth of this ???

    If so, this brings us to another point…

    With The Last & Greatest Messenger of Allah being Mary of the Book, it is impossible for him to be Farrakhan’s Exalted Christ. Surely, as Mary, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad DID NOT GIVE BIRTH TO HIMSELF.

    WHAT WE HAVE HERE IS A VERY COMPLEX CASE OF FRAUD. Do any of you Truly think that if The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (PBUH) were still ALIVE that he would not be in our presence today as The Last & Greatest Messenger of Allah ???

    Minister Farrakhan says that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (PBUH) is ALIVE and IN HIDING SOMEWHERE WAITING TO RETURN.

    Think over this for a moment, if you will.

    Farrakhan claims to be the National Representative of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (PBUH) whom he (Farrakhan) calls the Exalted Christ. This is not unlike the Popes of the Catholic Church who claim to be “representatives” standing in place of Jesus Christ here on Earth until he (Jesus of 2,000 years ago) returns. Minister Farrakhan is therefore telling essentially the same lie that the Popes have been telling for the past 2,000 years. He has given you the Christian doctrine of the resurrection of Jesus under the cover of the religion of Islam as taught by The Last & Greatest Messenger of Allah.

    Is Minister Farrakhan like an Islamic Pope ???

    You decide.


    (You can find this post with photos at Assata Shakur/forums under Islamic NGE.)

  14. Melvin Says:

    I was wondering if you will be doing any lectures in NYC anytime soon ? I am also a former member of Farrakhan’s NOI . I would like to connect with those who are true students of MHEM. I am a spiritualist who deals with the esoteric aspect of the teachings of the NOI . I don’t see anyone especially Ministers who claim they are followers of the MHEM intrepid his teachings which is critical information that needs to be out there to wake up the community.
    Salaam Alakum

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