
The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad


The Messenger of Allah

I have always had a very high opinion of both the late Noble Drew Ali and Marcus Garvey and admired their courage in helping our people (the so-called Negroes) and appreciated their work, both of these men were fine Muslims.

The followers of Noble Drew Ali and Marcus Garvey should now follow me and co-operate with us in our work because we are only trying to finish up what those before us had started. In Islam alone we shall find the success we desire, so join on to the Nation now and give us a chance to help all of our people in America.


  1. Minister Adamu El Says:

    Islam I first give praises to Allah and I give honors to his Prophet Noble Drew Ali and I give honors to everything pertaining to everything pertaining to everything pertaining to Islam and Islamism

    Greetings Beloved Minister,

    I happened to read your article and I can understand what you had to go thru by given an order not to associate with Minister Muhammad for his past comments. This in turn got him ostracized from the Movement.

    Yes, it is hard to be told something like that when Bro. Min. Farrakhan taught allot of these topics. Now I feel deeply about this subject now in protection of the Nation that had to be made to protect the mothers and the future fruit. So this is why I believe he instructed the members to not communicate with that good Muslim

    See the Prophet Noble Drew Ali had a Prophets eye for this message. See he had given the Moors additional laws act 4 in the questionnaire where it says.

    Act 4. All members while up making a public speech must not use any assertion against the American flag or speak radical against the church or any member of any organizer group, because we are to teach Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. (1927-1928

    See yes the prophet told the truth about the European and he spoke about the devil being within ourselves. So I give honors to Elijah Muhammad for keeping some of the ideals in front of the Moors But remembers Minister Nationality is the order of the day.

    So if that be the case, we are the Nation of Islam. And some of us are the Fruit of Islam Then we must overstand this equation. Bro. Muhammad’s Uncle was a Nation who practiced that old time religion which is over 50,000 years old and it is called Islamism. And the original man is a Moor which is an adj. which describes a rope with an anchor which connects to land.

    What connects the Spirit with the Earth Moslem? It is the Moor

    Another name for moor is the Soul of Original Man and not Mankind Minister. Remember that Nationality is the order of the day.

    Remember I cannot talk ill about the teachings of the honorable Elijah Muhammad. But the question is why did he not teach the fallen sons and daughters of North America their Nationality because by looking at the Condition of the Moorish Science Temple of America The Moors had the ultimate truth but were not cleaned up from their slave minds So at that hour they were still Black (dead) Remember it was triple Darkness and not triple blackness.

    From death comes life remember that and the way that the temple was set up is how the Nation was set up.

    I thank Bro. Elijah Muhammad for keeping the doors open but to be recognized by the Nations of the world we must proclaim who we are and if we were taken from West Africa Shabazz then that was the Moorish Empire.

    This extended from N. E. and S. E. Africa, across the great Atlantis. Even to the present North, South and Central America including Mexico and the Atlantis Islands. Remember this is Pygia or what we were taught from day one ASIA

    We love you Moors and we desire for us to have a united front. And I know because of the Temple of Islam’s discipline that we can put the Nation on its righteous path.


    The Prophets Moorish Science Temple of America has not died but it is now Resurrected and the Grand Body is in full force and it will be protected by the Nations fruit so Here is my invitation for our family to come home as well as us to open are arms and teach the Truth so that we and are children can live at peace.

    The resurrection is a fact because the Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s message is more on time today then it has ever been. May Allah get to your heart Sura 3 ayat 106 – 107 or 105 -106……. Contemplate this Minister

    Any questions please call me Minister at 216-228-5159 for further assistance

    Peace and Love at All Cost.

    Minister Adamu El

    • Jokernose Says:

      Noble Drew Ali and Elijah Muhammad were “hustlers”, they hustled the people. They mixed truth and falsehood to deceive the people to their own advantage. Some of their teachings were true and some were false, just like Judaism, Christianity, and Sunni Islam. The Bible and the Quran contain some truth and some falshood (balance is one of the major laws of the universe). They knew that most blacks in america had limited knowledge of Eastern Islam so they created their own version of it.

      • Lord Abba El Says:

        If Noble Drew Ali was hustler, name his hustle, if he is a liar, name one thing that he lied about.

      • Shakim Allah Says:

        How does one claim mixing truth wit lie is BALANCE , as in “a MAJOR UNIVERSAL LAW” while maintaining that doing so makes one a “Hustler” ?
        If thats so, Noble, Elijah, Moses,Abdullah and Jesus, by YOUR standard were simply OBEYING universal law… in the future, u should think about ur position before u stand on it, especially in public. SHALAMA ALAKHOM

      • Ronald Pugh-Bey Says:

        It tipical that the ones who were dead mentally. When they get allittle. Light they all of a sudden become an authority on what is true and what is false felling to see that if these great. Hadden Done what they done for our people where would your DUMB. ASS. BE? A stick of wood can point the way. The ouestion what our you doing for our besides running your mouth like you know All that is. One more thing nationally come from the country you claim you come.from that been divided with invisible bondary. The tribe of SHABAZZ claims the whole planet so what is nationally but a level of divide and conquer this OUR PLANET nobody else’s


      • Cola El Says:

        What did Noble Drew Ali lie about

  2. Paul Osei El Says:


    I would like to get this off of my chest. I am a Moorish American and I love the nation of islam. Every nation has a nationality. Nationality is in nation. A nation is not a nation without a nationality unless you are an organization. You can’t be an organization and a nation. We can be on top over night but we have to stop being divided. We have to unify our knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in order for their to be a change. Truth is, without unity we will never be on top. There you have it. Peace!

  3. Sheik Bey Says:

    Islam.Islam.Islam. First I rise in this infinite circle of Love giving praise to Allah and honor to his love thought, Prophet Noble Drew Ali. I give honor to the harbinger, Marcus Garvey, for paving the way for Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Also I give honor to all who honor is due. Pease…

    Dear Minister: I trust that this message find you and your family in the best of health physically, mentally, and spiritually. May Allah best you all abundantly.

    I am writing this brief message for two reason: 1.) Moorish Americans are for Peace and we practice Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. Let it be known… I do not speak for everyone this is my personal comment to things I’ve been seeing over the internet. I am sure that most would agree that we want unity amongst all of our people in Islam and abroud.

    2.) We must remember our past and how the enemy works! I have seen the Seti demonstration putting Moorish Science in a negative light. Also I’ve seen Minister Farrakhan and ministers demonstration of “Who is Master Fard?” I also saw a comment from a Moor in reference to that issue. “Who is Master Fard?” The first thing came to my mind is El Hajj Malik El Shabazz and how a person’s perception and others understanding caused so much confusion in your movement; as well as, destroyed an international network, Malik’s work( MMI). So, I suggest to Moors and the Nation lets be wise as we are the children of wise Masters. Our goal collectively should be to save the Nation at all cost.

    In the light of History, Logic, and Law what is our best path to the Father. Truth does not change nor will it pass away. Truth will set the record straight. We all have it in us. Truth is Allah, the King. “Only the Pure in Heart can see the King”

    Again I am for Peace and not destruction amongst our Islamic bodies and what my concern is that the enemy may be playing us through the internet.

    Now in reference to “Who is Master Fard?” From my studies beginning from 1989 I first purchased the book “Who is Noble Drew Ali?” written by Dr. York, stating that “Master Fard” was the person who the nation says that he is not. Then there is an archive of references about that issue in various articles and books.

    So, how do you deal with such an issue that will always surface because of the information already decades old and documented extensively. I remember in the 80s when this issue surfaced and the Nation and the Ansur Allah community was at a disagreement. What do you do to straight out that archive of documentation? With all do respect, this appears to be a pattern. Peace, lets be wise…

  4. K2 Says:


    Very interesting comments. I think these differences go back to the #1 question. Who is God!? From my understanding & some research Master Fard attended meetings by Noble Drew. It is also taught that Master Fard went around “investigating” leaders and it is even said that he searched …the corners of the galaxy (if U will) looking for this Jesus that everyone has been praying to. It is said by some prior to 75′ that this man Fard did things unheard or unseen of by any other “human being”. Such as communicate with beings on other planets. We wont even touch on the Mother planes metal/steel! I think we need to reallllly “look in” to who this man Fard was and how he traveled.

  5. Kassiem Shabazz Says:

    As Salaam Aliakum to all who reads this post.In regards to the question:
    “Who is Master Fard Muhammad”?What we need to do is stop listening to all of the rhetoric,about Master Fard Muhammad and focus on what His
    representative(The Honorable Elijah Muhammad)said of Him for nearly a
    half of a century.
    The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught on this for half of a century that
    Master Fard Muhammad was/is Al-Mahdi,The Guide.Or Allah in Person.He
    did not waver from this.Why are we still asking this question:”Who is Master Fard Muhammad”?
    Is it because we really do not believe what The Honorable Elijah Muham-
    mad said of Him?Or do we need the white race to confirm what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said of Him?

  6. K2 Says:

    I agree with Kassiem…!!!! The answer is all in the understanding of the concept of God. What make me believe is that after alllllllllllllllllllllll these one has been able to prove, Elijah nor Farrakan wrong in the teachings. People have only disagreed. Not prove! Elijah gave us “root” knowledge in baby language, as harsh as it use to sound. He told Farrakhan that Allah made you for me! Knowing he had to go away and get his other assignment, he (Elijah) prayed that we “grow” in the wisdom. So his chosen one (Saviour’s Day ’72) was the one to help us evolve in the wisdom. Like …Aaron is to Moses! With all of our black leaders…in Islam or not. I just don’t know who else could have gotten a million plus men on washington, on a monday! Farrakhan is connected to something or somebody!

  7. K2 Says:

    Now in terms of the word, or the definition Moor, what is the significance between them and the Tribe of Shabazz? Are we in fact the same?
    The Teachings say…the tribe of shabazz’s history go back to the time of the Moon’s seperation from the Earth,76 trillion yrs ago. They then went into Africa to conquer that part of the Earth. Where were the Moors at that time? I’ve seen a chart 1day explaining our ppl’s name in different time periods of colonial rule. It went from Coon’s to Nigger’s to Blacks to So Called American Negroes within 4 generations. In terms of time, I’m thinking that’s why the Nation of Islam so often use the term Original man etc. I know Moors don’t like the term black because of it’s governmental implication in terms of the way the constitution sees us (as property). But when the Nation say it….they mean it, not by color, but by the very carbon element(s) that was there in the very beginning of the self-creation. Let me get back to my point.
    From my could Noble Drew Ali be a prophet when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the seal of the prophets?
    I’m trying to find the connection in all this. Like the Hebrew Israelites to Moors and moors to the Nation, and nation to the Black panthers?

    • Shakim Allah Says:

      Seal of the prophets meant “if we follow God commands from this point on, there is no need for another reformer,etc.” Problem is, that arab form of Islam has followed the same path as judaism, christianity,etc. This is HOW abdullah gained his power in the first place. HE also said 3 generations from me would be what? Not of me.
      The Qur’an is a BOOK, compiled decades after his death at that. Its more i could get into but i feel this is sufficient. The arabs threw the book of Allah behind their backs, but whats to be expected? #HistoryRepeatsItself

      As long as their are oppressors, there will be prophets to fight them.
      Shalama Alakhom

      • K2 Says:

        …And seal also means, final. That said, our condition is said to be beyond what a prophet could deal with. Which justifies the prophecy written regarding God/Allah the person, coming himself. Not to raise any prophet, for there is another who also comes on the scene via the prophecy given by Jesus/Isa (2000 yrs ago), when he specifically referred to the individual by the name-Elijah. This man’s work would be specific, and different. We, no matter what angle of mathematics we study, must consider these equations. The Quran did come later, but it was given by way of Gabriel/jabril. Due to the work of the white-Arabs, so to speak, even that book has to be properly interpreted. This is to be done by the one God-in person would do with the one he personally raises from among the people. Peace..

  8. King J.G Says:


    I gave all praises due to Allah who came in the person of Master W.F. Muhammad and thank him for raising up his Messenger, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I also thank Allah for Prophet Noble Drew Ali and Marcus Garvey our “John the Baptist” and prepared the way for the Jesus (Elijah Muhammad).

    As-Salaam Alakium

    • c finley bey Says:

      Islam, the question was ask how can Prophet Noble Drew Ali a Prophet?


      The Repatriation of the Asiatic Nations/

      We, as a clean and pure nation descended from the inhabitants of Africa and do not desire to amalgamate or marry into the families of the pale skin nations of Europe. Neither will we serve the gods of their religion, because our forefathers are the true and divine founders of the first religious creed, for the redemption and salvation of mankind on earth. John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus in days passed, who was to warn and stir up the nations and prepare them to receive the divine creed, which was to be taught by Jesus.

      In this time, Marcus Garvey taught and warned the nations of the earth to prepare to meet the coming Prophet that was to bring the true and divine Creed of Islam to the Asiatics upon the shores of North America. Noble Drew Ali realigned us as a nation within a nation and was preparing us for the repatriation of the Asiatics that had been mis-labeled Negro, Black and Colored by the European Powers by restoring our hidden National Identity (Nationality), concept of Religion (Islamism and Divine Principles) and the Ancient Science of our forefathers.

      The Noble Prophet Drew Ali was divinely prepared and sent to this earth by Allah, to teach the old time religion and the everlasting gospel to the sons of men. This everlasting Gospel was a saving power that came from Allah through our ancient forefathers by his Prophet to us. Know that every nation shall and must worship under their own vine and fig tree, and return to their own and be one with their Father God-Allah, because every nations was promised to receive a messenger or warner to remind them of their duty to themselves, their creator and the worship they owe to their creator. The key of civilization was and is in the hands of the Asiatic nations. The Moorish, who were the ancient Moabites, are the founders of the Holy City of Mecca and the first religious creed. All true and divine records of the human race clarify that there is no negro, black, or colored race attached to the human family. Moreover, our studies indicate that all the inhabitants of Africa were and are of the human race; descendants of the ancient Canaanite nation from the holy land of Canaan. There is no one who is able to change us from the descendant nature of our forefathers; unless their power extends beyond the great universal Creator Allah Himself. We have been blessed with an unfolding destiny that links us back to the families of nations and places us within the Islamic community (Ummah) of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), who is the founder of the uniting of Islam. So we continue systematically through the revelations of Allah so that we adhere faithfully to the teachings and trust placed upon us by Allah in the perfected religion of Islam.

      It should be remembered that Islam existed before the Advent of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). All of the Prophets from Adam to Mohammad (PBUH) according to the Quran of Mecca practiced Islam through their submission to the Will of Allah. The religions of Islam came as a mercy and saving power that was transmitted from Allah through messengers and warners of the various nations of the earth.

      To every people did We appoint rites (of sacrifice), that they might celebrate the name of Allah over the sustenance He gave them from animals (fit for food). But your god is One God: submit then your wills to Him (in Islam): and give thou the good news to those who humble themselves,- To those whose hearts when Allah is mentioned, are filled with fear, who show patient perseverance over their afflictions, keep up regular prayer, and spend (in charity) out of what We have bestowed upon them.

      Sura 22:34-35

      And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and ye be witnesses for mankind! So establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity, and hold fast to Allah! He is your Protector – the Best to protect and the Best to help!

      Sura 22:78

      O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.

      Sura 3:102

      The Repatriation of the Asiatic Nations – Part II

      It was We who revealed the law (to Moses): therein was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews, by the prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to Allah’s will, by the rabbis and the doctors of law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah’s book, and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear me, and sell not my signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) Unbelievers.

      Sura 5:44
      That is the reason that we are returning the Church and Christianity back to the European Nations, because it was prepared by their forefathers for their earthly salvation. While we, the Moorish Americans are returning to Islam, which was founded by our forefathers for our earthly and divine salvation. The covenant of the great God-Allah to “Honor they father and they mother that thy days may be longer upon the earth land, which the Lord thy God, Allah hath given thee is made a realistic and obtainable possibility for the Asiatic Nations and Tribes of North America because of our Prophet.

      The Covenant of the Asiatic Nations reminds us that, We are the children of one father, provided for by his care; and the breast of one mother have we been given to suck. Let the bonds of affection, therefore, unite us with our brothers/sisters, so that peace and happiness may dwell in our father’s house. And if we be separated in the world, remember the relation that binds us to love and unity; and prefer not a stranger before our own blood. If our brother is in adversity, assist him; if our sister is in trouble, forsake her not. So shall the fortunes of our father contribute to the support of his whole race; and his care be continued to us all, in our love to each other.

      O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).

      Sura 49:13
      Thus, have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Messenger a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qibla to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (From the Faith). Indeed it was (A change) momentous, except to those guided by Allah. And never would Allah Make your faith of no effect. For Allah is to all people Most surely full of kindness, Most Merciful. We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do. Even if thou wert to bring to the people of the Book all the Signs (together), they would not follow Thy Qibla; nor art thou going to follow their Qibla; nor indeed will they follow each other’s Qibla. If thou after the knowledge hath. The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know. The Truth is from thy Lord; so be not at all in doubt. To each is a goal to which Allah turns him; then strive together (as in a race) Towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you Together. For Allah Hath power over all things.

      Sura 2:143-148

      So Noble Drew made a call saying, “Come all ye Asiatics of America and hear the truth about your nationality and birthrights, because you are not negroes, colored folk or black people. Learn of your forefathers ancient and divine Creed, so that you will learn to love instead of hate. We are trying to uplift fallen humanity. Come and link yourselves with the families of nations. We honor all the true and divine prophets”.

      O ye who believe! if ye fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion (to judge between right and wrong), remove from you (all) evil (that may afflict) you, and forgive you: for Allah is the Lord of grace unbounded.

      Sura 8:29

      To those who believe in Allah and His messengers and make no distinction between any of the messengers, we shall soon give their (due) rewards: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

      Sura 4:152

      The Repatriation of the Asiatic Nations – Part III

      Say: “We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma’il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam).”

      Sura 3:84
      The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and His messengers. “We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His messengers.” And they say: “We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys.”

      Sura 2:285
      Key 5.
      Who is Noble Drew Ali? He is ALLAH’S Prophet.
      Key 6.
      What is a Prophet? A Prophet is a thought of ALLAH manifested in flesh.
      Key 7.
      What is the duty of a Prophet? To save nations from the wrath of ALLAH (Warner).
      Key 16.
      How did the Prophet begin to uplift the Moorish Americans? By teaching them to be themselves.
      Key 17.
      What is our religion? Islamism.
      Key 18.
      Is that a new, or is that the old time religion? Old time religion.
      Key 38.
      What is an Angel? An Angel is a thought of ALLAH manifested in human flesh.
      Key 39.
      What are Angels used for? To carry messages to the four corner of the world, to all nations (Messenger).
      Key 40.
      What is our Prophet to us? He is an Angel of ALLAH, who is sent to bring us the Everlasting Gospel of ALLAH.
      Key 41.
      What is the Everlasting Gospel? It is a Saving Power that comes from ALLAH through our ancient Father, by His Prophet.
      The two Arabic terms used in the Quran of Mecca that we will draw from in relation to our Prophet are the terms Nabi and Rasul, as they are mentioned in Sura 7 Ayat 157

      “Those who follow the apostle [rasul] the unlettered prophet [nabi] whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures); in the law and the Gospel; for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil: he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him honor him help him and follow the light which is sent down with him it is they who will prosper.”

      Sura 7:157
      By utilizing an Ayat with both terms (Nabi and Rasul) it allows us to draw upon the distinction in them; Nabi (Prophet) is a general designation and Rasul (Messenger) is a special one. And this is to be understood in the manner that every Rasul is a Nabi, but every Nabi is not a Rasul. The word rasul is a general term and includes the messenger, the prophet (nabi) and the saint (muhaddas).’ But more clarifying is the point that a Messenger (Rasul) brings a legislative message or scripture while the Prophet (Nabi) is non-legislative and usually propagates and/or confirms the legislative message of a prior Messenger (Rasul).

      There are 313 Messengers (Rasul) that have brought revelation through created words on tablets or by the speech of angels. All that the revealed books contain are true; although some of the laws have been abrogated while some are still valid. There are one hundred four (104) revealed books. Ten (10) were revealed to Adam. Fifty (50) books were revealed to Seth. Thirty (30) books where revealed to Enoch. Ten (10) books where revealed to Abraham. The Torah (1) was revealed to Moses. The Gospel (1) was revealed to Jesus. The Psalms (1) were revealed to David. And the Quran (1) was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The total number of Nabi (Prophets) is 124,000 according to the Prophetic Tradition of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). But out of the 124,000 Prophets, there are only 25 of them mentioned in the Holy Quran of Mecca:

      Idris (Enoch)
      Nuh (Noah)
      Ibrahim (Abraham)
      Isma’il (Ishmael)
      Ishaq (Isaac)
      Lut (Lot)
      Ya’qub (Jacob)
      Yusuf (Joseph)
      Ayyub (Job)
      Musa (Moses)
      Harun (Aaron)
      Dhu’l-kifl (Ezekiel)
      Dawud (David)
      Sulaiman (Solomon)
      Ilias (Elias)
      Al-Yasa (Elisha)
      Yunus (Jonah)
      Zakariyya (Zechariah)
      Yahya (John)
      ‘Isa (Jesus)
      Mohammad (PBUH)
      In the larger Islamic community, Noble Drew Ali can only be considered non-legislative warner that taught the perfected religion of the legislative prophet (Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)) that was the seal of legislative prophethood. But to the Asiatic nations, Noble Drew Ali was a warner and a messenger as demonstrated in our Moorish Questionnaire. He warned us of the great sin, taught us to be ourselves and even brought us back the old time religion – Islamism. During the lifetime of our Noble Prophet Drew Ali, the foundational aspects were laid to repatriate a nation by aligning and using temporal and spiritual power. But after our Prophet changed form, the Moorish Nation utilized only part of the saving power from their everlasting gospel. They neglected to cultivate their spiritual pursuits because they did not continue to link themselves with the larger Islamic community (Ummah) and demonstrate the lessons, keys and secrets that they received from the Moslems of India, Egypt and Palestine who kept them from the outside world. The time was appointed by Allah for these things to be demonstrated by the Moslems of America and he raised from this nation a 3rd and 4th generation of spiritual soldiers to fulfill this holy mandate.

      It appears that the truth that we possessed, kept us from adhering to higher truths because earlier generations misunderstood the subtle truth and reality that the Noble Prophet Drew Ali brought to our Moorish Nation in spirit and letter. As a nation we did not spiritually evolved through the stages of revelation that were transmitted for the uniting of Islam by the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

      The fallen sons and daughters of the Asiatic Nation of North America need to learn to love instead of hate; and to know their higher self and lower self. This is the uniting of the Holy Koran of Mecca, for teaching and instructing all Moorish Americans.


      It is We Who have sent down the Qur’an to thee by stages. Therefore be patient with constancy to the Command of thy Lord, and hearken not to the sinner or the ingrate among them. And celebrate the name of thy Lord morning and evening, And glorify the name of your Lord morning and evening. And part of the night, prostrate thyself to Him; and glorify Him a long night through.

      Sura 76:23 -26

      The Prophet Noble Drew Ali followed the same pattern for the spiritual cultivation of religion that the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) used among his companions and in his community. The spiritual cultivation was based on the concepts of Iman (Faith) by Tawhid or Unity, Islam (Submission) by Fiqh or the Study of Law and Ihsan (Perfection) by Tasawuuf (Sufism) or the Application of Spiritual Science which is sometimes called Islamic Mysticism as explained in the hadith below as related by Muslim:

      On the authority of Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), who said:

      One day while we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah (i.e. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), there appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs of journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew him. He walked up and sat down by the Prophet (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). Resting his knees against his (the Prophet’s) and placing the palms of his hands on his thighs, he said:

      O Mohammad (PBUH), tell me about Islam. The Messenger of Allah (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allah and Mohammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah, to perform the prayers, to pay the Zakat to fast in Ramadan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so. He said: You have spoken rightly, and we were amazed at him asking him (the Prophet) and saying that he had spoken rightly.

      He said: Then, tell me about Iman. He (the Prophet) said: It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil thereof. He said: You have spoken rightly.

      He said: Then, tell me about Ihsan. He (the Prophet) said: It is to worship Allah as if you are seeing him, and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you.

      He said: Then, tell me about the hour.He (the Prophet) said: The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner. He said: Then, tell me about its signs.

      He (the Prophet) said: That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress, and that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute herdsmen competing in constructing lofty buildings. Then, he took himself off and I stayed for some time. Then he (the Prophet) said: O Omer, do you know who the questioner was? I said: Allah and His Messenger know better. He said: It was Jibril (Gabriel), who came to you to teach you your religion.

      We were introduced to repatriation in stages; Stage 1 is Iman, Stage 2 is Islam, and Stage 3 is Ihsan. The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) taught Iman (Faith) to his companions for 13 years as the first stage, to cultivate their character with morals and virtues.

      Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr: Allah’s Apostle neither talked in an insulting manner nor did he ever speak evil intentionally. He used to say, “The most beloved to me amongst you is the one who has the best character and manners.”

      In Stage 1, the Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught that the virtues are associated with spiritual stations. And a brief excerpt from the Koran, teaches us about certain virtues and their benefits as we climb upon the 12-step ladder until we reach the pinnacle of life, which is spent to build the Temple of Perfected Man.


      Teach him obedience, and he shall bless thee; teach him modesty, and he shall not be ashamed.
      Teach him gratitude, and he shall receive benefits; teach him charity, and he shall gain love.
      Teach him temperance, and he shall have health; teach him prudence, and fortune shall attend him.
      Teach him justice, and he shall be honored by the world; teach him sincerity, and his own heart shall not reproach him.
      Teach him diligence, and his wealth shall increase; teach him benevolence, and his mind shall be exalted.
      Teach him science, and his life shall be useful; teach him religion, and his death shall be happy.
      Koran of the M. S. T. of A.
      Iman or Faith is rooted in the 6 Article of Faith:

      Faith in Allah
      Faith in the Angels
      Faith in the Prophets
      Faith in the Holy Books
      Faith in the Divine Decree/Fate
      Faith in the Day of Judgment
      It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah-fearing.

      Sura 2:177

      These articles are what the faith of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his community were founded upon. In addition to these articles of faith, after perfecting their character he started to introduce his companions to the juridical laws of Islam (Stage 2) as they were established by Allah. And in Surat Al-Isra (The Night Journey) also called the Bani Isra’il (Children of Israel) surah which is the 17th sura of the Qur’an, with 111 verses we learn about the story of the Isra and Mi’raj, the transportation of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) during the night to what is referred to as “the farthest Mosque”. This Meccan surah was revealed in the last year before the Hijra. Like all the Meccan suras, it stresses the oneness of Allah and the authority of the prophets. However, the primary theme of the Sura is Salat (daily prayers), whose number is said to have been fixed at five during the Miraj which it alludes to. In addition, the Surah forbids adultery, calls for respect for father and mother, and calls for patience and control in the face of the persecutions the Muslim community was facing at the time. And, ayat 71 of this sura contains a reference to the Qiyamah, the Day of Judgment.

      In the Islamic tradition, the Isra and Mi’raj are the two parts of a journey that the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) took in one night, in 621 AD (1 BH). Some muslims consider it a physical journey but the Islamic scholars consider it an esoteric dream. The Isra begins with the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) resting in the Kaaba in Mecca, when the archangel Gabriel comes to him, and brings him the winged steed Buraq, who carries the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to the “farthest mosque”. The location of this mosque was not explicitly stated in the Qur’an, but is traditionally considered to be the Noble Sanctuary (Temple Mount) in Jerusalem. There, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) dismounts and Buraq leads some of the other prophets in prayer and then he gets back on Buraq. And in the second part of the journey, which is called the Mi’raj, he is taken to the heavens; he tours the circles of heaven, speaks with the earlier prophets, and even speaks with Allah. Allah tells him to enjoin the Muslims to pray fifty times a day; however, Moses tells the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) that they would never do it, and urges the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to go back several times and ask for a reduction, until finally it is reduced to five times a day.

      Establish regular prayers – at the sun’s decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testimony. And pray in the small watches of the morning: (it would be) an additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee: soon will thy Lord raise thee to a Station of Praise and Glory!

      Sura 17:78-79

      Say: “Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between.”

      Sura 17:110
      This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed on My blessing.

      Sura 5:3
      Moreover, to reflect this same dynamic aspect of receiving revelation and implementing Law – Stage 2, from our Noble Prophet, we are introduced to the Fall of Man in our Koran and the diverse subtleties of our Moorish Keys, Divine Constitution and By-Laws and Additional Laws which should now be implemented within the realm of Constitutional Law upon the shores of North America as well as within the realm of International Law and Treaty Law by the Moorish Nation internationally.

      Islam or Submission to the Will of Allah is rooted in Jurisprudence (Religious Law):

      And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.” But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, “this is evident sorcery!” Who doth greater wrong than one who invents falsehood against Allah, even as he is being invited to Islam? And Allah guides not those who do wrong.

      Sura 61:6-7
      O ye who believe! Be ye helpers of Allah: As said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disciples, “Who will be my helpers to (the work of) Allah?” Said the disciples, “We are Allah’s helpers!” then a portion of the Children of Israel believed, and a portion disbelieved: But We gave power to those who believed, against their enemies, and they became the ones that prevailed.

      Sura 61:14
      And the third and final stage – Stage 3, was introduced when the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) taught his companions to fight against their carnal thoughts, words, and deeds by implementing Quranic Teachings, Islamic Law and applying the spiritual science that would enable them to perfect themselves and their posterity. And these two stages (Stage 2 and 3) are where the Moorish nation evolved sluggishly because of their reluctance to participate in the larger Islamic Community (Ummah) of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

      Ihsan or Perfection is rooted in Spiritual Sciences & the battle of higher self vs. lower self:

      It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on earth; moreover, His design comprehended the heavens, for He gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments; and of all things He hath perfect knowledge. Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on earth.” They said: “Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood? – whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?” He said: “I know what ye know not.”

      Sura 2:29-30
      He united us back to the nation from which we descended, linked us back to our ancient forefathers divine creed and then introduced us to the concepts of the higher self and lower self to engage us in a spiritual battle to obtain perfection of our carnal flesh and immortal soul; this is known as the Greatest Jihad by the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) according the hadith below:

      We were told by Layth, on the authority of ‘Ata’, on the authority of Abu Rabah, on the authority of Jabir, who said, “The Prophet (salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) returned from one of his battles, and thereupon told us, ‘You have arrived with an excellent arrival, you have come from the Lesser Jihad to the Greater Jihad – the striving of a servant (of Allah) against his desires.”’

      And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter.

      Sura 2:4
      We are a nation within a nation, but moreover we are a jural society within the Islamic community and we believe in all true and divine Prophets of the human family as prescribed by Allah.

      “Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, and Isaac and Jacob, and their children, and that which Moses and Jesus received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them and Unto Him we submit And if they believe in what you believe, then they are rightly guided. But if they turn away, then they are in disunity, and Allah will suffice you against them. He is the Hearer, the Knower. This is God’s religion and who is better than God in religion?”

      The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) appeared some six hundred years after the prophecy of Jesus. It is now nearly fourteen hundred years after the advent of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and 121 years since the birth of our beloved Prophet Noble Drew Ali. The fallen sons and daughters of the Asiatic Nation of North America still need to learn to love instead of hate; they need to willingly participate in the battle of their higher self against their lower self (the Greatest Jihad). Just as we have been instructed to unite the Circle Seven with the Quran of Mecca, thus uniting the spiritual science and esoteric teachings of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali with the exoteric tradition and spiritual teachings of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). This should be taught to all Moorish Americans to allow them to save themselves through repatriation and utilization of their everlasting gospel upon the shores of North America. The prophet Noble Drew Ali made the statement”

      “Once I get you to thinking you will save yourselves”

      Prophet Noble Drew Ali

  9. Jahvyon Casley-El Says:

    please tell me as a moslem what arabic should Istudy egepy or eastern

  10. Bro.C. Finley Bey Says:

    Islam, the question was ask how can Prophet Noble Drew Ali a Prophet?


    The Repatriation of the Asiatic Nations/

    We, as a clean and pure nation descended from the inhabitants of Africa and do not desire to amalgamate or marry into the families of the pale skin nations of Europe. Neither will we serve the gods of their religion, because our forefathers are the true and divine founders of the first religious creed, for the redemption and salvation of mankind on earth. John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus in days passed, who was to warn and stir up the nations and prepare them to receive the divine creed, which was to be taught by Jesus.

    In this time, Marcus Garvey taught and warned the nations of the earth to prepare to meet the coming Prophet that was to bring the true and divine Creed of Islam to the Asiatics upon the shores of North America. Noble Drew Ali realigned us as a nation within a nation and was preparing us for the repatriation of the Asiatics that had been mis-labeled Negro, Black and Colored by the European Powers by restoring our hidden National Identity (Nationality), concept of Religion (Islamism and Divine Principles) and the Ancient Science of our forefathers.

    The Noble Prophet Drew Ali was divinely prepared and sent to this earth by Allah, to teach the old time religion and the everlasting gospel to the sons of men. This everlasting Gospel was a saving power that came from Allah through our ancient forefathers by his Prophet to us. Know that every nation shall and must worship under their own vine and fig tree, and return to their own and be one with their Father God-Allah, because every nations was promised to receive a messenger or warner to remind them of their duty to themselves, their creator and the worship they owe to their creator. The key of civilization was and is in the hands of the Asiatic nations. The Moorish, who were the ancient Moabites, are the founders of the Holy City of Mecca and the first religious creed. All true and divine records of the human race clarify that there is no negro, black, or colored race attached to the human family. Moreover, our studies indicate that all the inhabitants of Africa were and are of the human race; descendants of the ancient Canaanite nation from the holy land of Canaan. There is no one who is able to change us from the descendant nature of our forefathers; unless their power extends beyond the great universal Creator Allah Himself. We have been blessed with an unfolding destiny that links us back to the families of nations and places us within the Islamic community (Ummah) of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), who is the founder of the uniting of Islam. So we continue systematically through the revelations of Allah so that we adhere faithfully to the teachings and trust placed upon us by Allah in the perfected religion of Islam.

    It should be remembered that Islam existed before the Advent of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). All of the Prophets from Adam to Mohammad (PBUH) according to the Quran of Mecca practiced Islam through their submission to the Will of Allah. The religions of Islam came as a mercy and saving power that was transmitted from Allah through messengers and warners of the various nations of the earth.

    To every people did We appoint rites (of sacrifice), that they might celebrate the name of Allah over the sustenance He gave them from animals (fit for food). But your god is One God: submit then your wills to Him (in Islam): and give thou the good news to those who humble themselves,- To those whose hearts when Allah is mentioned, are filled with fear, who show patient perseverance over their afflictions, keep up regular prayer, and spend (in charity) out of what We have bestowed upon them.

    Sura 22:34-35

    And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and ye be witnesses for mankind! So establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity, and hold fast to Allah! He is your Protector – the Best to protect and the Best to help!

    Sura 22:78

    O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.

    Sura 3:102

    The Repatriation of the Asiatic Nations – Part II

    It was We who revealed the law (to Moses): therein was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews, by the prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to Allah’s will, by the rabbis and the doctors of law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah’s book, and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear me, and sell not my signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) Unbelievers.

    Sura 5:44
    That is the reason that we are returning the Church and Christianity back to the European Nations, because it was prepared by their forefathers for their earthly salvation. While we, the Moorish Americans are returning to Islam, which was founded by our forefathers for our earthly and divine salvation. The covenant of the great God-Allah to “Honor they father and they mother that thy days may be longer upon the earth land, which the Lord thy God, Allah hath given thee is made a realistic and obtainable possibility for the Asiatic Nations and Tribes of North America because of our Prophet.

    The Covenant of the Asiatic Nations reminds us that, We are the children of one father, provided for by his care; and the breast of one mother have we been given to suck. Let the bonds of affection, therefore, unite us with our brothers/sisters, so that peace and happiness may dwell in our father’s house. And if we be separated in the world, remember the relation that binds us to love and unity; and prefer not a stranger before our own blood. If our brother is in adversity, assist him; if our sister is in trouble, forsake her not. So shall the fortunes of our father contribute to the support of his whole race; and his care be continued to us all, in our love to each other.

    O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).

    Sura 49:13
    Thus, have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Messenger a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qibla to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (From the Faith). Indeed it was (A change) momentous, except to those guided by Allah. And never would Allah Make your faith of no effect. For Allah is to all people Most surely full of kindness, Most Merciful. We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do. Even if thou wert to bring to the people of the Book all the Signs (together), they would not follow Thy Qibla; nor art thou going to follow their Qibla; nor indeed will they follow each other’s Qibla. If thou after the knowledge hath. The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know. The Truth is from thy Lord; so be not at all in doubt. To each is a goal to which Allah turns him; then strive together (as in a race) Towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you Together. For Allah Hath power over all things.

    Sura 2:143-148

    So Noble Drew made a call saying, “Come all ye Asiatics of America and hear the truth about your nationality and birthrights, because you are not negroes, colored folk or black people. Learn of your forefathers ancient and divine Creed, so that you will learn to love instead of hate. We are trying to uplift fallen humanity. Come and link yourselves with the families of nations. We honor all the true and divine prophets”.

    O ye who believe! if ye fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion (to judge between right and wrong), remove from you (all) evil (that may afflict) you, and forgive you: for Allah is the Lord of grace unbounded.

    Sura 8:29

    To those who believe in Allah and His messengers and make no distinction between any of the messengers, we shall soon give their (due) rewards: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

    Sura 4:152

    The Repatriation of the Asiatic Nations – Part III

    Say: “We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma’il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam).”

    Sura 3:84
    The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and His messengers. “We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His messengers.” And they say: “We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys.”

    Sura 2:285
    Key 5.
    Who is Noble Drew Ali? He is ALLAH’S Prophet.
    Key 6.
    What is a Prophet? A Prophet is a thought of ALLAH manifested in flesh.
    Key 7.
    What is the duty of a Prophet? To save nations from the wrath of ALLAH (Warner).
    Key 16.
    How did the Prophet begin to uplift the Moorish Americans? By teaching them to be themselves.
    Key 17.
    What is our religion? Islamism.
    Key 18.
    Is that a new, or is that the old time religion? Old time religion.
    Key 38.
    What is an Angel? An Angel is a thought of ALLAH manifested in human flesh.
    Key 39.
    What are Angels used for? To carry messages to the four corner of the world, to all nations (Messenger).
    Key 40.
    What is our Prophet to us? He is an Angel of ALLAH, who is sent to bring us the Everlasting Gospel of ALLAH.
    Key 41.
    What is the Everlasting Gospel? It is a Saving Power that comes from ALLAH through our ancient Father, by His Prophet.
    The two Arabic terms used in the Quran of Mecca that we will draw from in relation to our Prophet are the terms Nabi and Rasul, as they are mentioned in Sura 7 Ayat 157

    “Those who follow the apostle [rasul] the unlettered prophet [nabi] whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures); in the law and the Gospel; for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil: he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him honor him help him and follow the light which is sent down with him it is they who will prosper.”

    Sura 7:157
    By utilizing an Ayat with both terms (Nabi and Rasul) it allows us to draw upon the distinction in them; Nabi (Prophet) is a general designation and Rasul (Messenger) is a special one. And this is to be understood in the manner that every Rasul is a Nabi, but every Nabi is not a Rasul. The word rasul is a general term and includes the messenger, the prophet (nabi) and the saint (muhaddas).’ But more clarifying is the point that a Messenger (Rasul) brings a legislative message or scripture while the Prophet (Nabi) is non-legislative and usually propagates and/or confirms the legislative message of a prior Messenger (Rasul).

    There are 313 Messengers (Rasul) that have brought revelation through created words on tablets or by the speech of angels. All that the revealed books contain are true; although some of the laws have been abrogated while some are still valid. There are one hundred four (104) revealed books. Ten (10) were revealed to Adam. Fifty (50) books were revealed to Seth. Thirty (30) books where revealed to Enoch. Ten (10) books where revealed to Abraham. The Torah (1) was revealed to Moses. The Gospel (1) was revealed to Jesus. The Psalms (1) were revealed to David. And the Quran (1) was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The total number of Nabi (Prophets) is 124,000 according to the Prophetic Tradition of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). But out of the 124,000 Prophets, there are only 25 of them mentioned in the Holy Quran of Mecca:

    Idris (Enoch)
    Nuh (Noah)
    Ibrahim (Abraham)
    Isma’il (Ishmael)
    Ishaq (Isaac)
    Lut (Lot)
    Ya’qub (Jacob)
    Yusuf (Joseph)
    Ayyub (Job)
    Musa (Moses)
    Harun (Aaron)
    Dhu’l-kifl (Ezekiel)
    Dawud (David)
    Sulaiman (Solomon)
    Ilias (Elias)
    Al-Yasa (Elisha)
    Yunus (Jonah)
    Zakariyya (Zechariah)
    Yahya (John)
    ‘Isa (Jesus)
    Mohammad (PBUH)
    In the larger Islamic community, Noble Drew Ali can only be considered non-legislative warner that taught the perfected religion of the legislative prophet (Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)) that was the seal of legislative prophethood. But to the Asiatic nations, Noble Drew Ali was a warner and a messenger as demonstrated in our Moorish Questionnaire. He warned us of the great sin, taught us to be ourselves and even brought us back the old time religion – Islamism. During the lifetime of our Noble Prophet Drew Ali, the foundational aspects were laid to repatriate a nation by aligning and using temporal and spiritual power. But after our Prophet changed form, the Moorish Nation utilized only part of the saving power from their everlasting gospel. They neglected to cultivate their spiritual pursuits because they did not continue to link themselves with the larger Islamic community (Ummah) and demonstrate the lessons, keys and secrets that they received from the Moslems of India, Egypt and Palestine who kept them from the outside world. The time was appointed by Allah for these things to be demonstrated by the Moslems of America and he raised from this nation a 3rd and 4th generation of spiritual soldiers to fulfill this holy mandate.

    It appears that the truth that we possessed, kept us from adhering to higher truths because earlier generations misunderstood the subtle truth and reality that the Noble Prophet Drew Ali brought to our Moorish Nation in spirit and letter. As a nation we did not spiritually evolved through the stages of revelation that were transmitted for the uniting of Islam by the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

    The fallen sons and daughters of the Asiatic Nation of North America need to learn to love instead of hate; and to know their higher self and lower self. This is the uniting of the Holy Koran of Mecca, for teaching and instructing all Moorish Americans.


    It is We Who have sent down the Qur’an to thee by stages. Therefore be patient with constancy to the Command of thy Lord, and hearken not to the sinner or the ingrate among them. And celebrate the name of thy Lord morning and evening, And glorify the name of your Lord morning and evening. And part of the night, prostrate thyself to Him; and glorify Him a long night through.

    Sura 76:23 -26

    The Prophet Noble Drew Ali followed the same pattern for the spiritual cultivation of religion that the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) used among his companions and in his community. The spiritual cultivation was based on the concepts of Iman (Faith) by Tawhid or Unity, Islam (Submission) by Fiqh or the Study of Law and Ihsan (Perfection) by Tasawuuf (Sufism) or the Application of Spiritual Science which is sometimes called Islamic Mysticism as explained in the hadith below as related by Muslim:

    On the authority of Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), who said:

    One day while we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah (i.e. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), there appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs of journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew him. He walked up and sat down by the Prophet (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). Resting his knees against his (the Prophet’s) and placing the palms of his hands on his thighs, he said:

    O Mohammad (PBUH), tell me about Islam. The Messenger of Allah (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allah and Mohammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah, to perform the prayers, to pay the Zakat to fast in Ramadan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so. He said: You have spoken rightly, and we were amazed at him asking him (the Prophet) and saying that he had spoken rightly.

    He said: Then, tell me about Iman. He (the Prophet) said: It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil thereof. He said: You have spoken rightly.

    He said: Then, tell me about Ihsan. He (the Prophet) said: It is to worship Allah as if you are seeing him, and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you.

    He said: Then, tell me about the hour.He (the Prophet) said: The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner. He said: Then, tell me about its signs.

    He (the Prophet) said: That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress, and that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute herdsmen competing in constructing lofty buildings. Then, he took himself off and I stayed for some time. Then he (the Prophet) said: O Omer, do you know who the questioner was? I said: Allah and His Messenger know better. He said: It was Jibril (Gabriel), who came to you to teach you your religion.

    We were introduced to repatriation in stages; Stage 1 is Iman, Stage 2 is Islam, and Stage 3 is Ihsan. The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) taught Iman (Faith) to his companions for 13 years as the first stage, to cultivate their character with morals and virtues.

    Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr: Allah’s Apostle neither talked in an insulting manner nor did he ever speak evil intentionally. He used to say, “The most beloved to me amongst you is the one who has the best character and manners.”

    In Stage 1, the Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught that the virtues are associated with spiritual stations. And a brief excerpt from the Koran, teaches us about certain virtues and their benefits as we climb upon the 12-step ladder until we reach the pinnacle of life, which is spent to build the Temple of Perfected Man.


    Teach him obedience, and he shall bless thee; teach him modesty, and he shall not be ashamed.
    Teach him gratitude, and he shall receive benefits; teach him charity, and he shall gain love.
    Teach him temperance, and he shall have health; teach him prudence, and fortune shall attend him.
    Teach him justice, and he shall be honored by the world; teach him sincerity, and his own heart shall not reproach him.
    Teach him diligence, and his wealth shall increase; teach him benevolence, and his mind shall be exalted.
    Teach him science, and his life shall be useful; teach him religion, and his death shall be happy.
    Koran of the M. S. T. of A.
    Iman or Faith is rooted in the 6 Article of Faith:

    Faith in Allah
    Faith in the Angels
    Faith in the Prophets
    Faith in the Holy Books
    Faith in the Divine Decree/Fate
    Faith in the Day of Judgment
    It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah-fearing.

    Sura 2:177

    These articles are what the faith of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his community were founded upon. In addition to these articles of faith, after perfecting their character he started to introduce his companions to the juridical laws of Islam (Stage 2) as they were established by Allah. And in Surat Al-Isra (The Night Journey) also called the Bani Isra’il (Children of Israel) surah which is the 17th sura of the Qur’an, with 111 verses we learn about the story of the Isra and Mi’raj, the transportation of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) during the night to what is referred to as “the farthest Mosque”. This Meccan surah was revealed in the last year before the Hijra. Like all the Meccan suras, it stresses the oneness of Allah and the authority of the prophets. However, the primary theme of the Sura is Salat (daily prayers), whose number is said to have been fixed at five during the Miraj which it alludes to. In addition, the Surah forbids adultery, calls for respect for father and mother, and calls for patience and control in the face of the persecutions the Muslim community was facing at the time. And, ayat 71 of this sura contains a reference to the Qiyamah, the Day of Judgment.

    In the Islamic tradition, the Isra and Mi’raj are the two parts of a journey that the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) took in one night, in 621 AD (1 BH). Some muslims consider it a physical journey but the Islamic scholars consider it an esoteric dream. The Isra begins with the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) resting in the Kaaba in Mecca, when the archangel Gabriel comes to him, and brings him the winged steed Buraq, who carries the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to the “farthest mosque”. The location of this mosque was not explicitly stated in the Qur’an, but is traditionally considered to be the Noble Sanctuary (Temple Mount) in Jerusalem. There, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) dismounts and Buraq leads some of the other prophets in prayer and then he gets back on Buraq. And in the second part of the journey, which is called the Mi’raj, he is taken to the heavens; he tours the circles of heaven, speaks with the earlier prophets, and even speaks with Allah. Allah tells him to enjoin the Muslims to pray fifty times a day; however, Moses tells the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) that they would never do it, and urges the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to go back several times and ask for a reduction, until finally it is reduced to five times a day.

    Establish regular prayers – at the sun’s decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testimony. And pray in the small watches of the morning: (it would be) an additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee: soon will thy Lord raise thee to a Station of Praise and Glory!

    Sura 17:78-79

    Say: “Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between.”

    Sura 17:110
    This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed on My blessing.

    Sura 5:3
    Moreover, to reflect this same dynamic aspect of receiving revelation and implementing Law – Stage 2, from our Noble Prophet, we are introduced to the Fall of Man in our Koran and the diverse subtleties of our Moorish Keys, Divine Constitution and By-Laws and Additional Laws which should now be implemented within the realm of Constitutional Law upon the shores of North America as well as within the realm of International Law and Treaty Law by the Moorish Nation internationally.

    Islam or Submission to the Will of Allah is rooted in Jurisprudence (Religious Law):

    And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.” But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, “this is evident sorcery!” Who doth greater wrong than one who invents falsehood against Allah, even as he is being invited to Islam? And Allah guides not those who do wrong.

    Sura 61:6-7
    O ye who believe! Be ye helpers of Allah: As said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disciples, “Who will be my helpers to (the work of) Allah?” Said the disciples, “We are Allah’s helpers!” then a portion of the Children of Israel believed, and a portion disbelieved: But We gave power to those who believed, against their enemies, and they became the ones that prevailed.

    Sura 61:14
    And the third and final stage – Stage 3, was introduced when the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) taught his companions to fight against their carnal thoughts, words, and deeds by implementing Quranic Teachings, Islamic Law and applying the spiritual science that would enable them to perfect themselves and their posterity. And these two stages (Stage 2 and 3) are where the Moorish nation evolved sluggishly because of their reluctance to participate in the larger Islamic Community (Ummah) of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

    Ihsan or Perfection is rooted in Spiritual Sciences & the battle of higher self vs. lower self:

    It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on earth; moreover, His design comprehended the heavens, for He gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments; and of all things He hath perfect knowledge. Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on earth.” They said: “Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood? – whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?” He said: “I know what ye know not.”

    Sura 2:29-30
    He united us back to the nation from which we descended, linked us back to our ancient forefathers divine creed and then introduced us to the concepts of the higher self and lower self to engage us in a spiritual battle to obtain perfection of our carnal flesh and immortal soul; this is known as the Greatest Jihad by the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) according the hadith below:

    We were told by Layth, on the authority of ‘Ata’, on the authority of Abu Rabah, on the authority of Jabir, who said, “The Prophet (salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) returned from one of his battles, and thereupon told us, ‘You have arrived with an excellent arrival, you have come from the Lesser Jihad to the Greater Jihad – the striving of a servant (of Allah) against his desires.”’

    And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter.

    Sura 2:4
    We are a nation within a nation, but moreover we are a jural society within the Islamic community and we believe in all true and divine Prophets of the human family as prescribed by Allah.

    “Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, and Isaac and Jacob, and their children, and that which Moses and Jesus received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them and Unto Him we submit And if they believe in what you believe, then they are rightly guided. But if they turn away, then they are in disunity, and Allah will suffice you against them. He is the Hearer, the Knower. This is God’s religion and who is better than God in religion?”

    The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) appeared some six hundred years after the prophecy of Jesus. It is now nearly fourteen hundred years after the advent of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and 121 years since the birth of our beloved Prophet Noble Drew Ali. The fallen sons and daughters of the Asiatic Nation of North America still need to learn to love instead of hate; they need to willingly participate in the battle of their higher self against their lower self (the Greatest Jihad). Just as we have been instructed to unite the Circle Seven with the Quran of Mecca, thus uniting the spiritual science and esoteric teachings of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali with the exoteric tradition and spiritual teachings of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). This should be taught to all Moorish Americans to allow them to save themselves through repatriation and utilization of their everlasting gospel upon the shores of North America. The prophet Noble Drew Ali made the statement”

    “Once I get you to thinking you will save yourselves”

    Prophet Noble Drew Ali

  11. Venice Says:

    Yes it is good to eat the proper foods and to fast. To put our selves in the circle of our creator, the merciful one and the holy one. When we put ourselves in the spirit of the Divine Creator, Our being becomes more and more close to the Universe and helps cleansed our mind, body, and spirit. Because the creator is the nature of the earth.

  12. Dennis Walker Says:

    Dear Friends,
    I am writing about the history of Islam in America.
    Please send me details of the history and current activities of Muhammad’s Temple 13.
    My best wishes,
    Dr Dennis Walker (Australia)

  13. Asia Bey Says:

    Islam and Peace as a Moorish sister I love our Prophet Noble Drew Ali and as Moorish Science suggests I have studied other religions as well. Unfortunatly I feel now and have always felt that the Koran has either been tampered with, things have been omitted, or things have been added, Y because the Koran offers no real guidance for sisters which is odd because the prophet is pictured standing on the rock of salvation with a sister in his arms. He says: “There will be so few men, that a child will go to the store, and return home, and tell his mother, “Mother, I saw a man.” If that’s the case then why is the Koran mostly directed to men if they aren’t going to be around anyway. Something is fishy but it’s nothing to get up in arms about. The genetic memory knows all.

    • C FinleyBey Says:

      Islam Asia Bey, the HMK do talk about the sisters…. now if you don’t have faith in the Prophet turn in you turban and bottom and go back to the state of mind where the Prophet found you…. p&l

  14. Pravda Says:

    So do you or do you not believe that Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.s was the last prophet?

    • noitemple15 Says:

      As Salaam Alaikum

      If you are asking if we believe The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad met with and was taught face to face by Allah, the answer is emphatically yes.

    • Shakim Allah Says:

      He was a pedophile and he passed off african knowledge as inspiration from an invisible god that doesnt exist. I wonder how principles that ALREADY EXIST to other people is a REVELATION. If Allah is who the Qur’an is, ADAM should have had the Qur’an from the beginning. Yall are fighting fof freedom, just to be a different kind of slave. Smh. SHALAMA ALAKHOM

  15. N.A.cooper el Says:

    Praises are due to Allah and Honors to the Prophet!
    We as moors must lean on what our prophet brought and whosoever disbelieves let it be Allah who judges between us.I love my people and so did Noble drew Ali and thats why we should not get beside ourselves when people dont believe The prophet because noone can prove him wrong!!

  16. geezie Says:

    Jesus Christ/Yahushua is the one and only true Messiah. Who is bold enough to tell me this is not true.

  17. Bro.C. Finley Bey Says:

    Peace, theres no such thing of a man name Jesus with a j…. prove to me it was sir.. p&l

  18. Eric Moore el Says:

    All is well…..

  19. Teneldric Says:

    Islam! I believe all Muslims Must unite if WE truly believe in ALLAH


    One self can not go un-connected by wanted push or even chine locked up or put a siad this black (nagro) nation must move close to that light.

  21. Mordecai_7 Says:


    Minister Louis Farrakhan ran a near 60 part series in the Final Call News entitled “The Time And What Must Be Done.” At no point during this series did he (Minst Farrakhan) tell the Original Black Nation of the impending doom of America and what must be done so that you, the so-called Negro, do not become victims of the divine wrath of Allah which is intended for the Devil (White race) and those who cling to him (the Devil).

    In a Muhammad Speaks article entitled: Reparations For Slavery, Americas Destruction Is At Hand, Brother Kamal Akram stated the following:

    The Honorable Silis Muhammad’s work is divine. To explain what I mean, let me introduce you to the name Joshua. It means “saviour.”

    As you may know, Joshua of the Bible physically led the Children of Israel (Black people) out of Egypt (America) before destructive plagues hit.

    But the Honorable Silis Muhammad is not the only one fulfilling divine prophecy, as he has previously revealed that:

    The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the Moses who spoke face to face with Almighty Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad (to whom all honor and praise is forever due). Note: A Moses of the Bible did not exist 4000 years ago. The prophetic character of Moses would be the only prophet in scripture to speak with God face to face in 1930.

    The roles of John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary were fulfilled by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad on page 127 of Message to the Blackman in America even said that he was the woman in Revelations 12:1 giving birth to a Nation.

    The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is Aaron of the scriptures (Bible and Holy Qu’ran) and the spokesperson of prophetic Moses (the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad).

    Genesis Chapter 15, 12-14 states, “As the sun was setting, Abraham fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him. Then the Lord said to him. Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated for 400 years. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterwards they will come out with great possessions.” (Scofield Study Bible)

    This without a doubt describes Black people in America. We are the Children of Israel, the Chosen of God, Allah.
    Four hundred years of slavery occurred.

    Allah, Master Fard Muhammad found us, the Lost Sheep, in our sojourn from Africa in servitude to America.
    The judgment of America occurred.

    Almighty God (Isaiah 9:6) raised up Moses in the person of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad to teach us for 40+ years. Joshua appeared in the person of the Honorable Silis Muhammad.

    The Honorable Elijah Muhammad predicted “plagues” would take place in America before the Exodus as a sign to you and me. He knew what would happen, because he was taught day and night by Almighty God face-to-face for 3 1/2 years. Anyone can see evidence of these events in scripture.

    The only part of prophecy left to unfold is America’s punishment, which is now occurring.

    America shows signs of collapse everyday with the Great Recession that began in 2008. Her morals as a society continue to decline. Children kill children in violence within her inner cities. And her incurable debt– now approximately $17 trillion–will soon cause hyper-inflation.

    It will worsen after Joshua, the Honorable Silis Muhammad, leads Afrodescendants out of America. The scriptures do predict that we will leave with reparations. Therefore, the Honorable Silis Muhammad in his divine guidance is once again correct in having demanded reparations, for this will be the “great substance” with which we will leave America.

    After our Exodus, plague after plague will strike America for an entire year…day and night. Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, brush fires in Colorado and California, and killer tornados in the south and midwest are only dress rehearsals for what will happen in America after the Chosen of God (those who have joined with the Lamb of God, the Honorable Silis Muhammad) leave America.

    Remember! After the Children left the land of bondage, the plagues hit Egypt. Of course, this never happened in history, but is predicted to happen right here in America because this is the land of bondage and America is the government that enslaved us.

    Babylon, too, is America in your Bible. And all of Babylon’s plagues came in one day, which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught means one year.

    America will pay for the 310 years of free labor that she stole, for the murdering and lynching of innocent brothers and sisters, for raping sisters and brothers, for kidnapping millions from Africa to be forced in to servitude slavery, and for the over 400+ years of injustice.

    After the Exodus, you will see earthquakes in America never seen since man has been on the planet, more storms, floods, and tornados, the total collapse of the U.S. dollar, another civil war, and a race war.

    The Bible tells of Babylon (America) turning into a lake of fire. And according to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad , America will burn for approximately the same length of time that we were enslaved some 400 years.

    The Honorable Silis Muhammad loves you and wants you to leave so that you can experience heaven. During his Saviour’s Day 2010 address, he said “I would not tarry in American past 2015.”

    The Honorable Silis Muhammad has also set up the government with which the Children of Israel were predicted to leave the land of bondage. The Lost-Found Nation of Islam under Joshua’s direction has a President, a Vice President, a presidential cabinet, a Judiciary and a Congress with a House of Representatives and a Senate. That is the meaning of the phrase “Nation of Islam”.

    And according to scripture, it will last forever. So if 95% of the prophecy has already occurred, what would make anyone think that the last 5% won’t take place? Blackman, woman and child, save yourself!

    Get a passport ASAP and get your mind ready to Exodus out of America. There is no future for Black People, Afrodescendants, in America.

    2. Flock to the nearest mosque under the leadership of the Honorable Silis Muhammad to receive further information on what to do and where to go. Bring your skills and education so that we can continue building a Nation of righteousness for ourselves upon exiting America.

    You want to be on the right side of the prophecy and history. Make yourself ready to leave America before it is too late.
    People have always said that we are in the “last days.” Yes, the last days of America are here.

    Join the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, the government for Afrodescendants that was predicted to be your only salvation in the last days of America. Babylon the Great is Fallen!

    Minister Farrakhan DID NOT MAKE ANY OF YOU AWARE OF THIS VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Brother Akram went on to say:

    There are no such identities as African-American, Afro-Cuban, Afro-Colombian, Afro-Brazilian or similar anymore.

    The United Nations recognized descendants of the TransAtlantic Slave Trade as Afrodescendants in 2003. Thanks to Mr. Silis Muhammad, Chief Executive Officer of All for Reparations & Emancipation and the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, we’ve received recognition internationally. For the first time in over 400 years, we have named ourselves.

    That means that we can now move forward with receiving reparations for 400 years of back-breaking labor performed by our foreparents. America and Europe did enrich themselves from the labor of Black slaves kidnapped from Africa. And since these recipients of free labor don’t want to pay reparations willingly, the European world and America are in trouble today.

    It’s common knowledge that the American government is the most hated government on the planet, and Israel is right behind them. And at the time of this writing, America is over $14 trillion in debt, on the brink of defaulting. Europe, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Britain are also having financial problems….with debt soaring into the billions. America has seen her best days. The lifestyle that you once knew will never be the same.

    Since uncontrollable debt equals hyperinflation, bringing about a gross devaluation of the currency, a loaf of bread could one day cost you $200. Double digit unemployment will become a way of life. The cost to borrow money will be 5 to 6
    times higher.

    We’ve already witnessed the destruction of America’s middle class. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. IT’S GOING TO GET A LOT WORSE!!!

    Since the Great Recession began in 2008, the rich have quietly transferred their wealth out of America. Economically, politically, morally and educationally, America has fallen and is finished.

    Afrodescendants, Black Americans were told of the fall of America over 50 years ago by the Last Messenger of God Himself, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him) (See “A Message to the Blackman in America” and “The Fall America”). And every single prediction made about America’s fall has come true or is coming true. America is past the point of repair.

    As a result, if you expect to have a future for yourself, family and children, make plans to leave America.
    Numerous scriptural stories exist that warn people to leave a land before coming plagues and destruction struck. It’s the same today. Elijah Muhammad predicted the fall of America, because she refused to give justice to her once slave, now known as Afrodescendants.

    Although Afrodescendants are over 250 million strong, America, the scriptural beast, leads the campaign to oppose the payment of reparations.

    Since this is so, tornadoes, heat waves, snow, rain storms, floods and hurricanes will worsen. Earthquakes will occur in locations within America where they haven’t before.

    If you are conscious enough to see what’s happening and want to save yourself and family, here are your options:

    1) Attend Lost-Found Nation of Islam meetings. Just as the name implies, a Nation and government has been formed for Afrodescendants. This government has a President, a Congress and a Judiciary, along with an Afrodescendant Constitution. As the American government falls, you have the opportunity to join your own Nation that was predicted for you over 15,000 years ago. This is your best option. You’ll interact with likeminded others–making it easier for us to create an economy of our own.

    2) Make plans to move to a Caribbean island or another country outside of America. You’ll need to get a passport ASAP. Your plans might also include learning another language, getting a second degree or learning a new skill to make yourself more marketable. Just make sure you do your due diligence on the economy, currency and opportunities in your chosen country to successfully make your exodus.

    3) Stay in America and hope that white politicians/people will fix everything and eventually treat you as their equal. This is actually the worst choice. Times may become so dire in America that whites could possibly hunt Blacks for food, as portrayed in the movies, “The Road” and the “Book of Eli”. Plagues predicted to hit America will destroy its economy and there will be famine, starvation and mass homelessness. Just like Jews were scapegoats in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s, Black people, gays, the elderly and other “outcasts” will be made scapegoats in the near future (Listen to the latest language used by the Tea Party). There is no future for anyone in America, especially Afrodescendants.
    The Honorable Silis Muhammad stated in his 2010 Saviors Day Address, “I would not tarry in America past 5 years.” We are now half way through 2011, which means that you have approximately 3 1/2 years to make exodus out of America.

    After the death of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1975, the Children of Israel were to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. 1975 + 40 years is 2015. Eastern religious scholars have concluded that the judgment of the wicked (And no one has been more wicked than the white world who have raped Africa of her resources, killed 25 million Native Americans, enslaved the ancestors of Afrodescendants for 400 years without a payday, which also included lynchings, rapes of Afrodescendant women, men and children, and 146 years of discrimination after slavery), would begin as early as 1,380 years after Prophet Muhammad of Arabia’s death in 632 A.D. (peace be upon him). Add 1,380 years to 632 and you get 2012.

    America is finished. Make plans to be a part of a new government, move to another country or take your chances in the good old U.S. of A.

    P.S. Please share this notice with as many Afrodescendants as you see fit.

    For further information contact
    Commissioner Kamal Akram
    Muhammad’s Mosque
    3040 Campbellton Rd., S.W.
    Atlanta, Georgia 30311

    The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (Peace Be Upon Him) told us of the impending destruction of America. It has been no different to us than it was to the people of ancient Babylon or those of Sodom & Gomorah. No different than it was to the people in the time of Noah who thought that the end would never come, because they were not aware of THE TIME IN WHICH THEY LIVED. They did not have knowledge of THE TIME. The following is what The Last & Greatest Messenger of Allah had to say on the issue of TIME.

    Our Saviour Has Arrived
    By Elijah Muhammad, (1974)

    Chapter 3
    Knowledge of Time

    1 If only the American so-called Negroes had knowledge of the
    time in which we now live, they would accept Islam at once; for it is
    just the acceptance of Islam which will bring the so-called Negroes
    the things they desire; good homes, money, and friendship in all
    walks of life. This is the time that they should enjoy such heaven, the Time of God. They are really chosen by God to be His people, and not the Jews nor white Christians. It is you, the American so-called Negro, but it is just you who are blind, deaf, and dumb to the
    knowledge of the Time of your salvation and the judgment and death of your enemies.

    2 Remember the story of Moses and his people. Jehovah said to
    Moses: “I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in
    Egypt, and I have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows” (Ex. 3:7). Jehovah had seen and heard the
    afflicitions and cries of His people while His people were yet dumb
    to the knowledge of Him, for they called not on Him. They
    worshipped the gods of Pharaoh and his people and not Jehovah Who was the God of their fathers. Jehovah had not represented Himself as being the God of Pharaoh and his people. It was to the slaves of Pharaoh and the slaves’ fathers that Jehovah, their God, was to show mercy and deliverance.

    3 Pharaoh was against Jehovah and His religion and the people of
    Jehovah who were his slaves. So it is and Allah’s true religion of
    Islam. But it is time that the mentally dead Negroes, who are afflicted daily by the evil hand of white America, should be delivered and given freedom, justice, and equality and a land that they can call their own. Day and night their cries go up into the ear of Allah, the God of our people (the Muslims).

    4 We cannot hope for justice from the devils when by nature there
    is none in them. All the day long the Negroes are mistreated. If Allah and I, His servant, will not stand up for them, who shall stand up for them? You, by far, are unable to do so; for you know not God. The devils have you afraid and worshipping that which you know not. Fear not and come follow me and God will love you and will set you in heaven at once while you live.

    5 Jehovah told Moses to go first to the elders of Israel and say to
    them: “The Lord your God (not Pharaoh’s) the God of your fathers,
    He has appeared unto me saying, “I have surely visited you and have seen that which is done unto you in Egypt (America)” (Ex. 3:16). But the elders would not even meet with Moses, only by way of disputation.

    Chapter 5

    1 If you who disbelieve in the Truth would only consider the time
    in which we now live, you would bear witness that it is the very
    truth from your God that I am teaching. Just when should we expect Truth to be triumphant? The answer is. after the removal of

    2 The Time referred to in this book is the time of the present world
    as Allah (God) has revealed it. This time covers a period of six
    thousand years. It began from the day that the first white person was made which was in the year nine thousand of our calendar history.

    3 This date is taken from the beginning of the present cycle of
    world history writings by 24 black scientists of which only 23
    actually do the writing, and the 24th one acts as judge of the
    writings of the other 23. This takes place once every 25 thousand
    years. In this history is written everything that will come to pass for
    the next 25 thousand years.

    4 The original scriptures of the Bible and Holy Qur’an were taken
    from it and revealed by word of mouth and inspiration to prophets.
    We are now in the 16th thousand year of this cycle and have nine
    thousand, nine hundred and fifty six years to be finished before the
    next cycle. But we are not concerned with that which the present
    time holds for us. A thorough knowledge of the time and changes to
    be made is the important factor for you and me.

    5 The time given to the white race (Yakub’s grafted people) to rule
    the world is between the ninth and fifteenth thousandth year of our
    cycle of 25 thousand years which is six thousand years.

    6 This time expired in 1914. A few years of grace have been given
    to complete the resurrection of the Black man, and especially the socalled Negroes whom Allah has chosen for the change (a new nation and world). They (so-called Negroes) have been made so completely mentally dead by the enemy (white race) that the extra time is allowed.

    7 The time (six thousand years) ruled by the white race has been
    the worst of our known history; a time of complete trouble-making,
    war, bloodshed, and death of both the righteous and the wicked as
    never before. Therefore, the black nation and our God, Who is the
    Originator of the universe, have decided to remove the
    troublemakers from our planet Earth, as there is no way of the black nations getting along in peace with this wicked, grafted race known as the white race. They have flooded the nations with deceit and divisions.

    8 The time now has arrived for plain truth, wherein you shudder
    and call the truth a lie and call falsehood the truth. This is due to
    your being reared and taught by the deceiver! But your disbelief in
    the truth will not hinder its progress, for it is the Time of Truth and
    this Truth is in our favor.

    9 The white race progressed under falsehood for the past four
    thousand years because it was given to them. Now, that time has
    expired and the time of truth and righteousness again will rule. The
    interval of six thousand years of evil and falsehood makes the
    average person think that the original black nation was never
    anything worthwhile. Consider the time!

    10 Most surely man is in loss except those who believe and do
    good and enjoin on each other truth (Holy Qur’an 103:1-3). The time of the white race is divided into three periods of two thousand years each. The first two thousand years was the period between Yakub, the father and grafter of the white race, to the birth of Musa (Moses) to the birth of Isa (Jesus), the last Great Prophet to the white race. The third two thousand year period is from the birth of Isa (Jesus) to the coming of Allah, often referred to by the Christians as. “The coming of God, the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of Man”, or the “second coming of Jesus.” In Islam, it is referred to as the “Coming of the Great Madhi, the coming of Allah” to the birth of Muhammad.

    Whatever you think of this, or don’t think of this it will not change what is coming. It is very near on the horizon.

    In the book of Revelations at 18:4 we are given the warning:

    And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not
    partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

    The Honorable Silis Muhammad loves you and wants you to leave so that you can experience heaven. During his Saviour’s Day 2010 address, he said “I would not tarry in American past 2015.”


  22. Eric moore El Says:

    Whats in the darkness must come to the light. An majority of us are in the dark. So metaphorically speaking. If Allah was the sun. Then the messenger Elijah must of been one of his brightest stars in the universe.🌟🌙

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